Poynings Party 2024

Now the Church Fete is over you can now look forward to the Poynings Party. No peace in Poynings!
I hope you have Saturday the 20th July in your diary, 2pm ’till you drop…
Hopefully the weather be good.
You need to cheer your Tug-of-War team. Poynings v Fulking – Not to be missed.

Don’t forget the Wooley Wonder will be there to steal your food and generally be a nuisance. 

Defibrillator Location

The Defibrillator in Poynings is not located in the garage anymore, it has been moved to outside the Royal Oak.


1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes
3) Matters Arising
4) MSDC and WSCC
5) Public Participation
6) Expenditure for April 2024 and May 2024
7) Planning applications
a. SDNP/24/02233/LDP Lawful storage of touring caravan. Small Acres Clappers Lane Fulking West Sussex BN6 9NH
b. SDNP/24/01022/LDP Insertion of opening to rear elevation with new sliding/folding doors, and new hinged door to existing opening on east elevation. Hilva. The Street Poynings West Sussex BN45 7AQ
c. SDNP/24/00592/LDP Stationing a caravan to be used for residential purposes as ancillary accommodation to the existing dwellinghouse Laying a hard surface. Rushfield House Henfield Road Poynings BN45 7AY
8) Bridge at Garage/Downmere.
9) Cemetery
10) Car park – Abandoned vehicles
11) Village party
12) Village Hall – Shed – Instrumental music featuring young musicians from Glyndebourne Sinfonia. etc
13) Items for next month’s Agenda
Date of next month’s Meeting

C Warburton
Clerk to the Poynings Parish Council

Poynings Village Party

Another Village party organised by Poynings Parish Council – Not to be missed.
Saturday 20th July – 2pm ’til late. All profits to Poynings Village Hall.
Cash or card.
Food available from about 4pm onward (until it runs out!). Or bring a picnic.
Tug of war about 5pm Poynings v Fulking.

Special Guests, Woolly Wonder and the Cavemen!

Poynings Village Hall.

As you may be aware, Poynings Parish Council are working with the Church and the Village Hall trustees to improve the Village Hall. To get the latest update and have an opportunity to give your views go to https://poynings.net/poynings-village-hall

Twineham Summer Fair.

Twineham C of E School. Church Lane. Twineham. RH17 5NR.  This Sunday 9th June 12.00 – 3.00.   
Adults and Children £2.  


Demolition Volunteers wanted!

Poynings Parish Council are going to knock down the old toilet block behind the Village Hall and replace with a storage shed.
If you can spare a few hours this  weekend 25th and 26th May.  10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 both days, please contact (if you haven’t already)
Colin: clerk@poyningsparishcouncil.com
or John: johndigby@saffronstar.com


NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of (and parking on) The Street, Poynings from junction with Poynings Road to Edburton Road is temporarily prohibited from 31/05/24 until 03/06/24.

The restriction will be in place off peak and weekday only between 09.30-15.00.

This closure is necessary to allow Balfour Beatty to undertake urgent repairs to a footbridge (replacing rotten wood sleepers with concrete lintels) on behalf of WSCC.

Emergency vehicle, Residential and Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
The alternative route for traffic will be signed on site.
This restriction will be effective for a maximum of 5 days from the start date given above.

Any queries about the effect of the closure on traffic using the highway please contact West Sussex County Council on 01243 642105.
Any queries about the works please contact Balfour Beatty on 01243 642105
Matt Davey. Assistant Director of Highways, Transport and Planning

Volunteers needed

The toilet block behind the Village Hall is going to be demolished, as it is dangerous, and replaced with a storage shed.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the demolition on the weekend 25th and 26th May. If you can help, please contact clerk@poyningsparishcouncil.com ASAP

Village Hall

As villagers, you may be aware that the Good Start Nursery School has had difficulty recruiting pupils over the last few months. Natasha ,the owner, has therefore sadly made the decision to close the school from the end of the Summer Term.

Although the current nursery is only operating from Monday to Wednesday for 32 weeks of the year, it has over the years provided an income which has allowed the Trustees, on behalf of the Church, to maintain and improve the fabric of the building and offer the hall free of charge to villagers. With this in mind, the Trustees are keen to consider other options for rental and would be open to suggestions regarding this. If there are any recommendations which potentially sound suitable please contact either

Tim Harford (revtimharford@gmail.com)

Matt Cuttress (cuttress.family@btopenworld.com ) or

Caroline Alford ( calford16@yahoo.com).

Many thanks, Caroline

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