The toilet block behind the Village Hall is going to be demolished, as it is dangerous, and replaced with a storage shed.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the demolition on the weekend 25th and 26th May. If you can help, please contact ASAP
May 14
Volunteers needed
May 14
Village Hall
As villagers, you may be aware that the Good Start Nursery School has had difficulty recruiting pupils over the last few months. Natasha ,the owner, has therefore sadly made the decision to close the school from the end of the Summer Term.
Although the current nursery is only operating from Monday to Wednesday for 32 weeks of the year, it has over the years provided an income which has allowed the Trustees, on behalf of the Church, to maintain and improve the fabric of the building and offer the hall free of charge to villagers. With this in mind, the Trustees are keen to consider other options for rental and would be open to suggestions regarding this. If there are any recommendations which potentially sound suitable please contact either
Tim Harford (
Matt Cuttress ( ) or
Caroline Alford (
Many thanks, Caroline
May 13
Don’t forget Poynings Annual Parish Meeting in the Village Hall. Wednesday 15th May. 7.30
Guest speaker, Trevor Povey, to talk about the Railways of the Dyke.
The Devil’s Dyke has attracted sightseers for generations. At one time there were three types of railway to be found at the Devil’s Dyke. Where did they run between and what was the journey like through the countryside. What other attractions were there. What can be seen today?
Join us from the beginning to the sad end.
This is a really interesting talk so worth coming, all welcome. And of course drinks, and snacks.
Could you email me if coming so we have an idea of how much refreshments we need thanks. Colin
May 13
The Annual Parish Meeting is at Poynings Village Hall on Wednesday 15th May 2023 at 7.30pm, after the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
- Outgoing Chairman’s report
- Minutes of last meeting
- Speaker
Trevor Povey, to talk about the Railways of the Dyke. - Open Forum
- Refreshments
Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton
May 13
The Annual Parish Council Meeting is at Poynings Village Hall on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 7pm.
- Election of Chair and Vice Chair
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes
- Matters Arising
- Expenditure for Feb 2024 and March 2024
- Planning applications
SDNP/24/00592/LDP -Rushfield House Henfield Road Poynings BN45 7AY Stationing a caravan to be used for residential purposes as ancillary accommodation to the existing dwelling house. Laying a hard surface.
Decision - Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24
a. Certificate of Exemption
b. Annual governance Statement – section 1
c. Accounting Statement – Section 2 - Insurance renewal
- Poynings village Hall.
- Village Party.
- Chairman’s Allowance
- Items for next month’s Agenda
- Date of Next month’s Meeting
Clerk to the Council
Mr. Colin Warburton
May 07
Defibrillator training 8th May 6.30 – 8.00pm
Don’t forget Defibrillator training tomorrow in Poynings Village Hall. 6.30 –
This training will be a bit of general theory, CPR and Use of Defibrillator. With manikins and AED (Defibrillator simulators). Includes adult, child and baby theory. If there is time, will run through Choking as well.
All welcome.
If coming, can you email at to give an idea of numbers, for equipment needed.
Apr 17
Lady Montagu Unveiled
Apr 17
Poynings Parish Council Events
3 dates for your diary, not to be missed. All in Poynings village hall.
Defibrillator training 8th May 6.30 – 8.00pm.
There are approximately 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) a year within the UK. However, the survival rate is currently low, with only 10% of victims surviving an OHCA. Yet, research has shown that deploying a defibrillator within 3–5 minutes of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 50–70%.
This training will be a bit of general theory, CPR and Use of Defibrillator. With manikins and AED (Defibrillator simulators). Includes adult, child and baby theory. If there is time, will run through Choking as well.
All welcome.
If coming, can you email at to give an idea of numbers, for equipment needed.
Annual Parish Meeting. Wednesday 15th May. 7.30.
Guest speaker, Trevor Povey, to talk about the Railways of the Dyke.
The Devil’s Dyke has attracted sightseers for generations. At one time there were three types of railway to be found at the Devil’s Dyke. Where did they run between and what was the journey like through the countryside. What other attractions were there. What can be seen today?
Join us from the beginning to the sad end.
And of course drinks, and nibbles.
All welcome
Party in the Village. Saturday 20th July
Remember the Jubilee and Coronation Parties? Well, this will be similar, but better, and without the mugs! More details to follow.
All welcome.
Broadband update
As you may be aware. A few years back Poynings Parish council applied for grants (via a voucher scheme) to have superfast fibre to the premises installed in Newtimber, Poynings and Fulking. It was successful and the rollout is now complete. Even if you haven’t applied yet, it is available, up to speeds of 950 Mbps
Mar 21
Poynings Parish Council Vacancy
Poynings Parish Council has a vacancy for a Councillor and is looking to Co-Opt shortly.
If you wish to express an interest, please contact myself or a councillor ASAP.
Kind regards.
Colin Warburton.
Clerk to the Council
6 Poynings Road
West Sussex
BN45 7AP
Tel: 01273 857024