Postie is leaving

Postie is leaving

Paul our postman has been asked to change to another round.
If you would like him to stay (he has been doing the round for 5 years now and has learn the oddities of the villages), please vote ASAP.  Thumbs up to keep him.
Also, write to: Royal Mail, Delivery Office, 62 North Rd. Brighton BN1 1AA, the more the better.

Lady Montagu Unveiled

Newtimber Church. Saturday 18th May 7.30pm £20
The date is now Sat 18th 7.30 and  it has a punk as opposed to classical music influence and is by ticket only.

Poynings Parish Council Events

3 dates for your diary, not to be missed. All in Poynings village hall.   

Defibrillator training 8th May 6.30 – 8.00pm.  
There are approximately 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) a year within the UK. However, the survival rate is currently low, with only 10% of victims surviving an OHCA. Yet, research has shown that deploying a defibrillator within 3–5 minutes of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 50–70%.
This training will be a bit of general theory, CPR and Use of Defibrillator. With manikins and AED (Defibrillator simulators). Includes adult, child and baby theory. If there is time, will run through Choking as well.
All welcome.
If coming, can you email at to give an idea of numbers, for equipment needed.

Annual Parish Meeting. Wednesday 15th May. 7.30.   
Guest speaker, Trevor Povey, to talk about the Railways of the Dyke.
The Devil’s Dyke has attracted sightseers for generations. At one time there were three types of railway to be found at the Devil’s Dyke. Where did they run between and what was the journey like through the countryside. What other attractions were there. What can be seen today?
Join us from the beginning to the sad end.
And of course drinks, and nibbles.
All welcome

Party in the Village. Saturday 20th July
Remember the Jubilee and Coronation Parties? Well, this will be similar, but better, and without the mugs! More details to follow.
All welcome.

Broadband update
As you may be aware. A few years back Poynings Parish council applied for grants (via a voucher scheme) to have superfast fibre to the premises installed in Newtimber, Poynings and Fulking. It was successful and the rollout is now complete. Even if you haven’t applied yet, it is available, up to speeds of 950 Mbps

Poynings Parish Council Vacancy

Poynings Parish Council has a vacancy for a Councillor and is looking to Co-Opt shortly.  
If you wish to express an interest, please contact myself or a councillor ASAP.   
Kind regards.   
Colin Warburton.   
Clerk to the Council
6 Poynings Road
West Sussex
BN45 7AP
Tel: 01273 857024

An evening with Lady Montagu

A Georgian lady’s fascinating life story with music from Handel…

Saturday 4th May 2024 7.30pm  Newtimber Church  BN6 9BT


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. MSDC and WSCC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for December 2023 and January 2024
  7. Planning applications
    SDNP/24/01079/HOUS Proposed loft extension, floor plan redesign and all associated works. 3 Mill Close Poynings West Sussex BN45 7AF
    SDNP/24/01022/LDP Insertion of opening to rear elevation with new sliding/folding doors, and new hinged door to existing opening on east elevation. Hilva The Street Poynings West Sussex BN45 7AQ
    . SDNP/24/00592/LDP Stationing a caravan to be used for residential purposes as ancillary accommodation to the existing dwellinghouse Laying a hard surface. Rushfield House Henfield Road Poynings BN45 7AY
    SDNP/23/05088/FUL Stationing a shepherds hut for use as holiday accommodation Rushfields Plant Centre Henfield Road Poynings BN45 7AY
  8. Asset register, Standing orders, update.
  9. Cora’s Corner Information sign and bark, plus bark for roundabout.
  10. Co-option
  11. Bridge at Garage.
  12. Defibrillator training
  13. Little Acorns
  14. Annual Parish Meeting
  15. Village party
  16. Village Hall shed.
  17. Street Parking
  18. Church wall
  19. Bins left out.
  20. Car Park. Barrier etc
  21. Items for next month’s Agenda
  22. Date of next month’s Meeting

    C Warburton
    Clerk to the Council

Poynings Parish Council

The new date for March’s Poynings Parish Council Meeting is Wednesday 20th March 2024.   
Colin Warburton.  


Unfortunately this evenings meeting has had to be cancelled.   
New date to be announced as soon as known.   
Colin Warburton.   



The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 7th March 2024 at 7pm.

1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes
3) Matters Arising
4) MSDC and WSCC
5) Public Participation
6) Expenditure for December 2023 and January 2024
7) Planning applications
8) Asset register, Standing orders, update.
9) Cora’s Corner Information sign and bark, plus bark for roundabout.
10) Co-option
11) Bridge at Garage.
12) Defibrillator training
13) Little Acorns
14) Annual Parish Meeting
15) Village party
16) Village Hall shed.
17) Street Parking
18) Church wall
19) Bins left out.
20) Car Park. Barrier etc
21) Items for next month’s Agenda
22) Date of next month’s Meeting

C Warburton
Clerk to the Council



Friday, 8th, 9th 10th March 2024.   
Puss in Boots.   
Poynings Panto returns! Join Puss and his owner…er…Callum? Corbin?… for four riotous shows full of fun, laughter & a wicked ogress…
Holy Trinity Church, Poynings.
Directed by Caroline Crowther.
Book your tickets here, before they sell out: 

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