Residents urged to “Keep West Sussex Safe”

Residents are being reminded to keep West Sussex safe as restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are eased.  

As businesses begin to reopen, public health leaders are reminding people that the virus is still active and are urging the public to continue to follow guidelines on social distancing and hand hygiene and take other preventative measures.  

Amanda Jupp, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, said: “It is tempting to feel that we are back to some semblance of normality and to relax into old routines. However, as we have seen elsewhere in the country, life is not back to normal.

“For us to keep our county safe, open for business and working well, we all need to take responsibility for how we act and how we live and work.

“Let’s do everything we can to keep West Sussex safe.”

People are advised to follow four key steps:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap or hand sanitiser.
  • Keep a good distance from people not in your household – two metres if possible.
  • Wear a face covering on public transport, in hospitals and when you are going to confined spaces where it’s not possible to keep a safe social distance, including shops and supermarkets.
  • If you have symptoms (a new persistent cough, high temperature, changes in your sense of smell or taste), please get tested. Visit or call 119. If you or your household are asked to self-isolate, then please do so.

Last month West Sussex County Council published its plans for how West Sussex will respond to any local outbreak of COVID-19.

Anna Raleigh, Director of Public Health for West Sussex said: “We are keeping an extremely close eye on the data for West Sussex and we have detailed plans in place in the event of a significant increase in cases.

“As things stand, there is no need for any additional restriction measures in West Sussex and by following the public health advice, we will put ourselves in the best position possible to keep it that way.”

The Keep West Sussex Safe campaign will run throughout the summer.

Visit our dedicated coronavirus web page to get the latest information and to sign up to receive our weekly e-newsletter for residents:

For updates on social media follow us on Twitter: @wsccnews and Facebook: @WestSussexCC

Royal Oak Competition

The Royal Oak have just reopened and have an exciting competition for you all! Do you fancy winning a meal for two, worth up to £80? To enter, simply upload your favourite photo taken at The Royal Oak to this page:

One lucky winner will be announced this Friday 24th July.

Shout out for Cora’s Corner this August

Cora’s Corner has been spruced up over these past few months, continuing the clearance work which took place in the autumn last year.

We’d like to celebrate by decorating the shelter with bunting. Using the dotted line on the flyer, cut out a fabric or material triangle and decorate as brightly as you like!

The bunting pieces should be ready by Monday 27th July. Please drop off in the porch of Dyke View (opposite Royal Oak pub).

Thank you,

Heraldry Month of July – 650 Celebrations

For everyone in Poynings, reminder of the Poynings 650 heraldry challenge.

Come on and get creative with all the family to produce a family crest (or two). Your coat of arms should be standard pillow slip size and needs to be on display outside your house and visible from the road no later than 9.00 am Saturday 25th July for the judging.

There will be prizes for the best three entries announced at Royal Oak at 17.30 on Saturday.  Hope to see you there.

Details on FB Poynings 650 or contact Mike Airey. 857985

For more information Click Here to the Poynings 650 Facebook events page. 

Bob’s Café open today

Takeaway cream teas at Bob’s Cafe today Friday July 17th

11 -1 and 4 -5

Mid Sussex District Council gives A23 a makeover

Mid Sussex District Council has removed 24 tonnes of litter and detritus from the A23 central reservation during a six-night clean-up.

The Council’s street cleansing partner (Serco) worked with Highways England and their contractors (A-One+) to remove rubbish from the length of the A23 central reservation, which runs through Mid Sussex from Pease Pottage to the Brighton border. This was made possible by taking advantage of planned lane closures for vegetation clearance.

Serco’s street cleansing team worked from 8pm to 4am each night covering a huge six kilometres of road per night.

Over six nights the team removed a whopping 24 tonnes of litter and detritus from the central reservation. This included a staggering 1,478 black sacks of litter and other materials such as wood, tyres and discarded metal objects.

Councillor John Belsey, Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery said:

“Mid Sussex District Council is pleased to have been able to make the most of this opportunity to remove the litter and waste along the middle of the A23 that spoils the impression of our beautiful district. This is a very busy road and it is not possible to undertake cleansing works on the live carriageway without lane closures.

“The Council urges motorists who throw litter out of their car windows, or fail to secure their loads, to think about the massive effort and expense that is required to clean up. Even with lane closures in place, the hazards associated with clearing a busy road like the A23 are very high and put workers lives at risk. Everyone has a responsibility to dispose of their litter properly to help to protect the environment.”

For more information, or to report littering or fly-tipping please visit the waste and recycling section of the Mid Sussex District Council website at

Play Days at home 2020

The hugely popular Mid Sussex Play Days have moved to a new stage for summer 2020 – with performers beaming into homes across the district to provide fun and entertainment.

Last year thousands of people enjoyed the free Play Day activities in towns and villages throughout the District. However, due to the current Covid guidelines it is not possible to gather for such large-scale events, so another solution had to be found.

Working alongside performers and event organisers Mid Sussex District Council has organised puppetry, sport and circus entertainment for the under 10s on each day of the summer holidays from 20th July. Weekly sessions for over 10s will include DJ workshops, graffiti art and dance sessions.


“Play is vital to the physical and mental health of children and families and indeed everyone. This is increasingly the case and recent months have reminded us of the importance of our parks and open spaces, and time spent together with friends and family. When it became clear that we couldn’t proceed with our traditional Play Days programme, we knew we had to rethink our approach,” said Councillor Webster, Cabinet Member for Community.

“At the best of times it is a challenge to keep children entertained over the summer holidays but this year there are restrictions which are likely to make this even more tricky. Many of the performers previously involved in Play Days were really keen to help out and we have created a varied programme which we hope will go some way to helping with a mix of entertainment, ideas for activities, and fun that may start online but will, we hope, provide inspiration for many more inside and outdoor activities.”

Parents and carers are urged to visit to sign up for emails about the programme coming up. The link from there will contain new content every weekday at 11am.

For more information contact Sally Blackmore, Mid Sussex District Community Engagement and Events Officer or email

Mid Sussex Applauds – nominate your community champions

Following the great success of the first Mid Sussex Applauds Awards last year, nominations are now open for 2020. The Awards aim to highlight the fantastic work of individuals and organisations across the district.

Spot last years candidate from Poynings

Spot last years candidate from Poynings…

Through each of the eight categories the Awards seek to recognise our connections and celebrate our community. With categories ranging from young achievers to green champions, those who help support active lifestyles and who work to bring communities together, we hope to highlight all our community VIPs. The categories are –

Good Sport Award – a club or individual who has made an outstanding contribution to supporting activity or sport in Mid Sussex

Young Volunteer of the year – recognising those young people who have made a difference in their local community

Stronger Communities – a community group or organisation that has helped to bring together cultures and communities through a local project or community activity

Young Achiever Award – against all the odds, someone who has overcome significant obstacles and made a positive difference to their own lives or to other young people through education, campaigning or helping another overcome a difficult situation or personal problem

Take Pride in Mid Sussex – This award will recognise residents who dedicate their time and energy into keeping Mid Sussex clean and green, take pride in their local area by creating community gardens, painting local spaces, upcycling or encouraging others to recycle.

Business in the Community Award – recognising a business which supports or makes a positive contribution to benefit and enhance community life

Lifetime Achievement Award – an individual who has made a substantial commitment to the community in their lifetime

Stronger Together – an individual who has helped to bring together cultures and communities through a local project or community activity

Mid Sussex District Council Chairman Councillor Colin Trumble commented, “2020 has been an exceptionally challenging year for all in the community. I have been extremely impressed at the way organisations and individuals have risen to those challenges giving vital support, especially to those most in need. I have also been impressed by the way businesses have very swiftly adapted to the new environment and continued to give help to their communities. Yet, while the response to recent challenges has been magnificent, I am so pleased that people and organisations have continued to do the charity and support work they always do. Unquestionably, this shows we have a strong community in Mid Sussex of which we should feel proud and for which we should feel grateful.

“I know there will be many individuals, groups and organisations we will want to thank and recognise so please send in your nominations for this year’s Mid Sussex Applauds Awards so we can celebrate their achievements and tell their stories.”

Residents are encouraged to take part in the straightforward nomination process which will be open until 18th September. Just visit for details of how to nominate.

Waste recycling Sites

From 6th July West Sussex County Council have advised that their Household Waste Recycling Sites at Burgess Hill and East Grinstead are now accepting all items. Please note that both sites are NOT able to accept trailers. This is to ensure appropriate social distancing measures are maintained. For details of what you can take to each site please visit their website

West Sussex CC Update


  • Lockdown easing comes with risks of further outbreaks. To help us manage any new outbreaks in the county we have developed a ‘local outbreak control plan’ which includes details about the public health response and what actions businesses and residents might be asked to take – please take a look.
  • Stay safe as pubs and restaurants reopen – Leaders from local authorities, blue light services and health have come together to urge people to stay alert to Covid-19 and avoid placing strain on local services as businesses reopen. Read more.
  • More items allowed at recycling sites- From Monday (6 July) residents will be able to deposit more items at our Household Waste Recycling Sites. For full details read our release online. 
  • ‘Select and Collect’ service coming to a West Sussex Library near you! – From Monday (July 6), West Sussex Library service is introducing a ‘Select and Collect’ service
  • Help keep our county clean  As lockdown restrictions are relaxing more people are visiting public spaces and areas of natural beauty.  Keep our countryside, beaches and parks clean by taking a bag for your own rubbish in case you cannot find a bin, or the bin is full. 


  • Coronavirus updates – Visit our website for the very latest service updates. Visit the webpage.
  • Birth registrations open for 2,000 West Sussex babies born since lockdown – Find out more.


Even though lockdown is easing if people still need support it is available

Request support

Wherever you live, if your request is urgent, for example, you are going to run out of food or medicine within the next three days, please phone 033 022 27980 so that we can make sure you get the help you need as quickly as possible.​

Support from district and boroughs – For residents who do not meet the criteria for receiving direct Government support, but still need help.

Support from the County Council’s Community Hub – The team are coordinating all other support requests across the county and arranging help.

Request support via our form (external link)

Many thanks


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