Parish Council Meeting 8th July



The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held online using Zoom software on Wednesday 8th July 2020 at 7pm.

Login details to be emailed prior to the meeting, please contact me if you wish to attend for details.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Matters Arising
  3. MSDC and WSDC
  4. Public Participation
  5. Expenditure for April 2020 and May 2020
  6. Planning applications
    a. Orchard Cottage Dyke Lane Poynings BN45 7AA
    Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and associated outbuildings and erection of single replacement 3 bed dwelling with ancillary detached garage and home office.
    Closing date for comments 16th July 2020.
    b. The Gate House Poynings Road Poynings West Sussex BN45 7AG
    Proposal: Provision of external cladding, insulation, flue and new roof to outbuilding (part retrospective), new wall to north of house (retrospective), retaining wall close to west boundary (retrospective), wall and entrance gates at south end of house (proposed)
    Closing date for comments 20th July 2020.
  7. Winter Plan
  8. Covid-19 Update.
  9. Financial report.
    a. Certificate of Exemption
    b. Annual Governance Statement
    c. Accounting Statement
  10. Item’s for next month’ s Agenda
  11. Dates of Next month’s Meeting

Mr Colin Warburton
Clerk to the Council

Hideaway Cottage
6 Poynings Road
West Sussex BN45 7AP

Tel: 01273 857024

Rushfields Stock update

Today we received our delivery of compost we now have stock of multipurpose, along wit farmyard manure, landscape and decorative bark, peat free new horizon compost, John Innes no2 and 3, and John Innes Ericaceous

The multipurpose is limited to 4 bags per transaction we have more compost on order but there will probably be a 3 to 4 week wait for delivery

We have a delivery of shrubs, we have herbs in stock and our homegrown Roses, also some herbaceous plants.

Today we have had a new delivery of indoor plants we have a good selection to choose from

We are still waiting for a bird care delivery, so stock is a bit thin on the ground

Save water at home this summer

Water is precious whatever the weather. With more of us at home this summer, there are a few simple steps you can take to help us keep taps flowing.

Save water at home this summer

For more information Click here

Additional Business Grant Support available

New Local Authority Discretionary Grants are now available to local companies who are not eligible for the Government’s main Small Business Grant support scheme.

The Government announced in March a scheme to provide grants to businesses in receipt of Small Business Rate Relief and those working in the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure sectors. Those grants are to help businesses meet the ongoing premises related costs and challenges they are facing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and are still available to qualifying applicants.

So far, Mid Sussex District Council has distributed more than £24m to nearly 1,900 local business but there are many more who don’t qualify for this support and are in desperate need of financial help during this coronavirus pandemic.

The Government has now allocated Mid Sussex District Council £1.4 million to help support businesses that were not eligible for the original grant. The Council has been asked by the Government to prioritise the following types of business for this funding, subject to eligibility:


  • Small businesses in shared offices or other flexible workspaces
  • Regular market traders with fixed stall locations who do not have their own business rates assessment and have their main domestic residence in Mid Sussex
  • Bed & Breakfasts which pay Council Tax instead of business rates
  • Charity properties in receipt of charitable business rates relief which would otherwise have been eligible for Small Business Rates Relief or Rural Rate Relief
  • Businesses in the supply chain to the Retail, Leisure and Hospitality sectors that did not qualify for the original government business grants but pay business rates or have other property costs
  • Businesses that did not qualify for the original government business grants but pay onerous business rates or have relatively high property costs
  • Businesses which may have qualified for a business grant but are waiting for a business rate valuation decision from the independent Valuation Office

Applications are open to businesses outside of the categories listed above but will only be considered once these priority applications have been processed.

Local businesses are encouraged to apply for funding online at and applications must be received by Midnight on 14 June 2020. All applications will be assessed as quickly as possible after the closing date.

Councillor Stephen Hillier, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth said:

“We welcome this additional financial support from Central Government for our local businesses who have been hit so hard by this dreadful pandemic. However, we expect demand for this support to be extremely high, possibly over-subscribed, and so it will be important for us to assess each application against the set criteria swiftly and in an equitable manner.

“I urge every business that applies for this grant to provide us with as much information as possible about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected your business. Please provide evidenced details about the costs you are facing, of your lost income and information about your employees and how this funding could help you to protect local jobs.

“We’re aiming to support as many small business in our District as possible to ensure they continue to help the local economy post COVID19 but there is a limited amount of money available for this scheme and once it has been allocated the scheme will close.

“If your small business is struggling due to this coronavirus pandemic and you haven’t been able to obtain support from the Government through previous schemes then please submit your application now at

650 Open Gardens

Poynings Open Gardens
Poynings Open Gardens

We are still holding our 650 Open Gardens and would like to offer virtual tours so we can still enjoy our blooming village this summer! 
Here’s what we would like; capture a short video or photo of your garden, a flowering flower pot, your veg patch or somewhere special in the village which touches you in some way. If you would like then please share why this is special to you.

Upload your images over Trinity Weekend 6-7th June onto this ‘Poynings 650’ FB page. 

If you would like someone to pop round with their mobile phone and capture the scene for you or if you have any questions please contact Claudia ( or 01273 857 717). If you don’t use facebook then email Claudia and it will be uploaded for you.

Link below to the Event

Fantastic 5 Cards with envelopes

Pack of 5 cards with envelopes are being sold to raise funds for the 650th Celebration of Poynings Church and Community.

Cost £5 please call Jan on 01273 857 368 or email

Proposals revealed for 21km of temporary cycleways in West Sussex

West Sussex County Council is putting forward safe space cycling schemes to the Department for Transport to consider. This is the first stage of work in response to the easing of the Coronavirus lockdown.

If accepted, 21km of temporary cycle lanes would be provided to promote cycling as a replacement for journeys in areas which, until the COVID-19 crisis, were heavily reliant on public transport.


Roger Elkins, Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure, said: “We have been working closely with our district and borough partners to look at a whole host of ways we can improve cycling provision as a direct response to the easing of lockdown. If the schemes get the go-ahead, they will form part of a series of measures which will make a real difference for cyclists in each of the county’s seven borough and district areas as the Government eases lockdown.

“There is no guarantee the Department for Transport will accept the schemes for funding, but we believe we have presented a good case which could result in 21km of new, temporary cycleways in West Sussex.

“Alongside these schemes which would require central funding, we will continue to work with our district and borough council partners on other measures which could be introduced at minimal expense but add even more safe space for cyclists.”

The seven schemes would involve a combination of temporary traffic management, such as cones and signing, light segregation using ‘traffic wands’, planters, water-filled barriers, road markings and temporary 20mph speed limits.

The schemes being put forward for funding are:

A270 Adur River/A283 to Hove Boundary along Upper Shoreham Road and Old Shoreham Road, past Holmbush roundabout in Shoreham, linking to Brighton and Hove City Council’s pop-up lane.

A259 in Bognor Regis: widening the temporary surface where possible, cutting back overhanging vegetation and removing growth on the existing path, which has become narrow in places. Consideration would also be given to converting one lane of western dual carriageway to cycle/bus lane.

Railway Station to Spitalfield Lane, Chichester, including converting one lane of Oaklands Way to a cycle lane and linking with existing facilities, such as the cycle path on Broyle Road.

Three Bridges to Manor Royal in Crawley, linking to the NCN21 and Balcombe Road to Town Centre (via Three Bridges), improving continuity of existing cycle provision by adding missing links.  The proposal would look to improve existing cycle facilities through the reallocation of carriageway space.

Cone off one lane of Albion Way, Horsham, in each direction from Sainsbury’s and Waitrose to the Bishopric to provide space for people to cycle and walk to the supermarkets and the town.

Mid Sussex
Extend the existing cycle lane in London Road, East Grinstead, (southbound) from Engalee (cul-de-sac) as far as the Lingfield Road roundabout.

Reallocate road space, creating a cycleway to connect (north to south) the A24/A259 Grove Lodge area in Worthing to The Steyne on the seafront.

The Department for Transport requires submission of all proposals by Friday (5 June) so it can decide if they are suitable for funding. West Sussex County Council could receive up to £784,000 in funding – but this is not guaranteed and may be clawed back should schemes not be started within four weeks of allocation.

Roger added: “We hope to make further announcements on funding for both walking and cycling provision in the county once we have details of a second tranche of funding.” 

Household waste update

Some have been asking when Household waste recycling sites will start accepting more items.


The link is to Wednesday’s 27th Press Release


It highlights they will start accepting more items including wood, furniture and electrical items from Monday 1st June.


Residents will be able to dispose of the following items at all sites in West Sussex:

• garden waste
• general household waste
• wood
• cardboard
• electrical items
• bulky items
• white goods
• furniture.


Vans and pickup trucks with a permit can now enter sites. Trailers are still not allowed at this time, to help ensure social distancing and to limit queues.


Further information on what is happening at the Household Waste Recycling Sites at this time can be found on the links below and these will be regularly updated. Please post these on your website and communicate them through your networks of you haven’t done so already.

Mayfield Update

The Horsham District council Local plan has been issued which has details of the Mayfield objections. You can see it  HERE

Poynings Open Gardens

We are still holding our 650 Open Gardens and would like to offer virtual tours so we can still enjoy our blooming village this summer!
Here’s what we would like; capture a short video or photo of your garden, a flowering flowerpot, your veg patch or somewhere special in the village which touches you in some way. If you would like then please share why this is special to you.
You can do this anytime you like, so if your garden is at its best right now, capture it!
Upload your images over Trinity Weekend 6-7th June onto this ‘Poynings 650’ FB page. If you would like someone to pop round with their mobile phone and capture the scene for you or if you have any questions please contact Claudia ( or 01273 857 717).

Link below to the Event

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