Wonderful Villages’ Photo Competition


Fulking Games Evening

Just to let you know that the next Fulking table tennis evening is one January 17, 7.30 in Fulking Village Hall.


Repair to the pub afterwards for a well-earned drink….

Music at Pyecombe Church 11th January

Nymphes et Monstres are performing at Pyecombe Church on the 11th Jan 2020 at 3pm. the programme expresses a love for and joy in music.

Nymphes et Monstres
Nymphes et Monstres

Poynings Parish Council Meeting Agenda 7th Jan 2020


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 7th January 2020 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Election of New Chair and Vice Chair
  3. Minutes
  4. Matters Arising
  5. MSDC and WSDC
  6. Public Participation
  7. Expenditure for Oct and Nov
  8. Planning applications
    The Gatehouse Downmere Poynings Road Poynings. BN45 7AG. Decision.
    b) Hilva. The Street Poynings. BN45 7AQ. Prune 3 overhanging trees. Decision

    c) PRE PLANNING Orchard Cottage Dyke Lane Poynings Brighton West Sussex BN45 7AA. Replacement House.
    ton House The Street Poynings Brighton West Sussex BN45 7AQ. Rear and Side Extension.

  9. Gates to village
  10. Bus Stop
  11. Funding for Poynings 2020 celebrations.
  12. Co-opting new councillor.
  13. Broken Roundabout sign
  14. Budget 2020 – 2021
  15. Cora’s Corner
  16. Village hall.
  17. Item’s for next month’s Agenda
  18. Dates of Next month’s Meeting

    Mr Colin Warburton
    Clerk to the Council

Downland Calendar reduced

There are still a few Downland Calendars left, and you can get them at a reduced price! In conjunction with local sponsors, Holy Trinity has produced a 2020 calendar to celebrate its landmark 650th year. Showing the beauty of our local surroundings through the seasons, the funds raised from sales will go towards maintaining this wonderful ancient monument. The calendar was launched at the Royal Oak, Poynings and is now available to buy on line. Only £7.50 plus £2.50 postage and packing. Just go to http://poynings.net/ and you can get it delivered straight to your door. Calendars are also available locally at The Royal Oak, Rushfields and Bob’s Café. Please follow us on FacebookHoly Trinity Poyningshttps://www.facebook.com/Holy-Trinity-Poynings-114264126629982/ for more updates about all the village wide events planned in 2020.

Weather Vane at Cora’s Corner

The observant one’s in the village may have noticed the missing weather vane at Cora’s corner has been replaced. Malcom Johnson was commissioned by Poynings Parish Council as he made the original one.

Poynings Weather Vane.
Poynings Weather Vane.

Road Closure. Poynings Road.




NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of (and parking on) Poynings Road, Poynings outside the Gatehouse is temporarily prohibited from 20/01/20 at 09:30 until 24/01/20 at 17:00. Road Closed signs will be in place either side of the closure at the nearest appropriate junctions.

The restriction will be in place 24hrs a day.

This closure is necessary to allow Clancy Docwra on behalf of South East Water to undertake a new connection to main.

Emergency vehicle, Residential and Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times

The alternative route for traffic will be signed on site

This restriction will be effective for a maximum of 5 days from the start date given above

Any queries about the effect of the closure on traffic using the highway please contact West Sussex County Council on 01243 642105

Any queries about the works please contact South East Water on 01634 276591

Dated 02 January 2020

Matt Davey

Real Christmas tree recycling points now open


Mid Sussex District Council has set up Christmas tree recycling points at convenient locations across the district to help residents dispose of their real Chistmas trees when the festive fun is over.

The Council has arranged for 24 temporary Christmas tree drop-off points in towns and villages across the district, so there will be a place nearby where residents can recycle their real Christmas tree. All people have to do is take along their tree to the most convenient local site, place it in the marked area and it will be taken away to be recycled locally.

Residents with a green garden waste wheelie bin can put their tree directly into it, as long as the lid can still close firmly. Alternatively, people can take their real tree along to one of the Household Waste Recycling Sites at Fairbridge Way in Burgess Hill or Imberhorne Lane in East Grinstead.
Sites will be open between 28 December 2019 and 10 January 2020 at the following locations.

Town / village



Street / Road 



Ardingly Recreation Ground 

High Street 

Ashurst Wood

John Pears Field 

Wall Hill Road 


Village Hall Car Park

The Street 


Recreation Ground Car Park

The Street 


Woodside Pavilion Car Park 

Woodside Pavilion 

Don’t forget to put your bin out Saturday

Normal collection – Monday 23 December

Christmas collection – Saturday 21 December

Poynings Footpaths

If anyone is aware of any problems on any Rights of Way in Poynings, can you let me know by the end of this month. The rights of way ranger is going to carry out inspections next month.

If you would like to find the number for a path, please use the iMap: www.westsussex.gov.uk/imapI would suggest you read ‘How to use the iMap’ before using it as, unfortunately, it is not that intuitive.


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