Bob’s Café opening time

Bob’s Café is no longer open on Sundays.

Summer Season opening hours will follow soon 😊.

Fulking Table Tennis

The next two games evenings dates:
Fridays 29 March and 19 April [yes, Good Friday].

7.30 Fulking Village Hall as usual, hope to see you there!


all best, Jen Green

Poynings Parish Council Election

As you are no doubt aware, the Parish Council Elections will soon be upon us. May 2nd

If you want to apply to be a councillor (and you should) you can get your Councillor Nomination Pack – here

For the Good Councillors Guide – Click here. This is aimed at larger Parishes so don’t be too alarmed!

If you are thinking of applying, let me know ASAP, as a candidate flyer will be produced and circulated. A few words about yourself and a photo would be great.

Kind Regards,

Colin Warburton
Clerk to Poynings Parish Council

01273 857 024
07941 460 582







Election of Councillors

for the Electoral Area listed below

Electoral AreaNumber of Councillors to be elected

1. Nomination forms for Parish Council Elections may be obtained from the Returning Officer at Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS. Visit
, Telephone: 01444 477222 or email:

2. Nomination papers must be delivered by hand to the Returning Officer, Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS on any business day after the date of this notice but no later than 4pm on Wednesday, 3rd April.

3. If any election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday, 2nd May 2019.

4. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 12 midnight on Friday 12 April 2019. Applications can be made online:

5. Applications for, amendments to or cancellations of postal votes and amendments to or cancellations of proxy votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS by 5pm on Monday, 15th April 2019.

6. New applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS by 5pm on Wednesday, 24th April 2019.

7. Applications to vote by proxy at this election on grounds of physical incapacity or for work/service reasons (which must have arisen after 5pm on Wednesday, 24th April 2019) must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS by 5pm on Thursday, 2nd May 2019.

Dated: Monday 18 March 2019                         Tom Clark, Returning Officer

Printed and published by the Returning Officer,
Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS

Pantomime DVD’s on Sale

The Poynings Pantomime DVD is on sale at the Royal Oak, Poynings. Only £5

There are limited numbers so get this collectors item fast 😊







Pot Hole repairs: Grange Lodge Cottages to the Street.

NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of (and parking on) Poynings Road, Poynings from junction with Saddlescombe Road to A281 Henfield Road is temporarily prohibited from 03/04/19 at 09.30 until 03/04/19 at 15.00

The restriction will be in place day-time only 09.30-15.00

This closure is necessary to allow Balfour Beatty to carry out urgent carriageway pothole repairs on behalf of WSCC

Emergency vehicle, Residential and Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times

The alternative route for traffic will be signed via Saddlescombe Road

This restriction will be effective for a maximum of 5 days from the start date given above

Any queries about the effect of the closure on traffic using the highway please contact West Sussex County Council on 01243 642105

Any queries about the works please contact Balfour Beatty on 01243 642105

Dated 15 March 2019

Matt Davey

Head of Highways and Transport

MSDC Corporate Plan and Budget approved for 2019/20


Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) approved its Corporate Plan and Budget for 2019/20 at a meeting of Full Council on Wednesday 27 February 2019.

The 2019/20 Corporate Plan and Budget is set to focus on supporting economic progression and the ambitious growth programme in Mid Sussex. It will also allow for the protection of frontline services as well as investment in community services and facilities.

Councillor Garry Wall, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council said “We will be continuing to invest to support local communities. 2019/20 will see us advance some of our most ambitious objectives to date. These include the Burgess Hill Growth Programme which is one of the largest projects we have ever been involved in.

“We will support economic growth through the delivery of full-fibre gigabit connectivity and increase the number of electric vehicles charging points around our District.

“We will secure infrastructure improvements to support housing growth, like GP surgeries, schools and community facilities. A masterplan for Haywards Heath and a Conservation Area management plan for East Grinstead will be developed.

“Further, we will invest in our playing pitches, playgrounds, parks and open spaces.

“To improve the health of Mid Sussex residents our Wellbeing team will continue their work in the community to help people make healthy lifestyle choices. Once again we will invest in our leisure centres to make sure we have great facilities to help people stay fit and active.

“It is seldom an easy job setting a Corporate Plan and Budget for the year ahead. However, we are determined to provide the best range of services we can.
It’s vitally important that we continue to plan for the long-term, invest wisely and focus our resources on the things that matter most to local people.”

The Mid Sussex portion of Council tax will increase by 3.1% in 2019/20 which equates to £4.95 or just 10p per week for an average Band D property.


If homes and businesses currently experience download broadband speeds of less than 2Mbps, you can be helped with access to a service that will offer speeds of at least 2Mpbs via a subsidised satellite or wireless broadband installation.

People affected may apply for a voucher code which will cover most of the cost of installation and commissioning of the broadband service, typically reducing it by £350.  Please note that the applicant is then responsible for paying the monthly subscription for the service selected for a minimum period of 12 months.

The Better Broadband scheme is part of the Government’s commitment that every premise in the UK should be able to access broadband at ‘basic’ speeds of 2Mbps. The government is consulting with telecommunications providers on an obligation to provide broadband at minimum speeds of 10Mbps by 2020.

More information is available on the relaunched Better Broadband scheme website:

Fulking Games Evenings

We’ve put in an extra games eve for any who are interested, so the next ones are on March 8 and March 15.


Hope to see you there.


Very best, Jen



The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the village Hall on Tuesday 5th March 2019 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters arising
  4. MSDC and WSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for December and January
  7. Planning applications
    Holy Trinity Church Poynings Road Poynings.
    Proposal: Replace wooden frame doors at the entrance to the church with doors made entirely of galvanised steel which will hang on existing brackets.
    Downmere Poynings Road Poynings
    Discharge of Conditions 3, 5, 13 and 14 on planning permission
  8. MSDC Garden Party Nomination
  9. Annual Parish Meeting
  10. Insurance
  11. Elections
  12. Update on play equipment and outdoor gym
  13. Indoor Table Tennis Table
  14. Dog waste bins etc
  15. Code of Conduct and Standing Orders
  16. Items for next month’s Agenda
  17. Date for next meeting

Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton

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