Help us count the stars

Ready, steady… count! The CRE Star Count event begins today, so when you’ve got a clear night near you, take a moment to look up at the sky and tell them how many stars you can see in Orion. Your results will help them create a map showing the best places to enjoy the stars, and will also support their work to combat light pollution and reclaim our dark skies. It doesn’t take long to take part and makes a great family activity.

They’ll be taking submissions until 23 February, but the skies look set to be clear tonight, which makes for perfect stargazing…

Take part: how to get involved in Star Count

Bob’s café closure

Unfortunately Bob’s Café will be shut this Sunday due to illness.

Normal service will resume next week 😊

Homeless in Brighton and Hove

Dear Holy Trinity Poynings and Poynings Village,

Thank you so much for the very kind donations that you gave to help the homeless in Brighton and Hove.

It is such a massive help for the work we do here at Antifreeze/Off the Fence, particularly as your gifts were so thoughtful.


Antifreeze Manager

Steve Brunton
Antifreeze Manager 01273 774140
37 Portland Road, Hove, BN3 5DQ
Registered Charity No. #1108777
Charitable Company No. #5300691
Resisting Poverty.
Empowering People.
Restoring Hope.


Poynings Star Count 2019

In May 2016 the South Downs National Park (including Poynings) became the world’s newest International Dark Sky Reserve (IDSR). We think our star-studded skies overhead are as valuable as our beautiful rolling landscapes and, with properly dark skies in the South East of England under threat, this is a statement that the skies of the South Downs are worth protecting. We celebrate this designation every year at our Dark Skies Festival with two weeks of cosmic fun including star parties, talks and family activities.

In the future the South Downs National Park Authority will use its role as a planning authority to protect the dark skies above the National Park as well as the landscape on the ground. Draft policies for the South Downs National Park’s Local Plan include specific lighting requirements.

Join in the Star count in Poynings, see below.

Star Count 2019

Are you ready? The 2019 Star Count event kicks off next week, and we’d love you to take part!
Getting involved is simple – all you have to do is look up at the night sky and tell us how many stars you can see within the constellation of Orion. You can do this from anywhere in England between Saturday 2 February and Saturday 23 February, but your best opportunity is the week of 2-9 February, when the skies will be darkest.
Your results will help us to create a map showing the best places to enjoy the stars. And it will also support our work to combat light pollution and reclaim our dark skies.
How to take part in Star Count
Try to pick a clear night for your count, with no haze or clouds, then wait until after 7pm so the sky is really dark. Once you’ve found your spot:

  1. Looking south into the night sky, find the Orion constellation, with its four corners and ‘three-star belt’.
  2. Take a few moments to let your eyes adjust, then simply count the number of stars you can see within the rectangle made by the four corner stars. You should not count the corners, but you can count the three stars in the middle – the belt. See picture below.
  3. Make a note of the number of stars seen with the naked eye (not with telescopes or binoculars) and then complete the online survey form: submit your Star Count results. To give you an idea, if you see less than 10 stars, this indicates severe light pollution, and if you can see over 30 stars, you’re looking at a truly dark sky!
  4. Share your experiences (and any photos) with others on social media using #StarCount2019 @CPRE @BritAstro
    And keep a look out for the national results to see how your area compares to the rest of the country!

Submit your Star Count results here 

All of this information can also be found on our website at If you have any queries about Star Count, please contact
Best of luck, and don’t forget to enjoy the starry views while you take part!
Thanks for your support.

Poynings Sloe Gin Night


Monday 4 February

Royal Oak Poynings (Village Night)

*Table reservations advisable

Entries in by 8pm (a jam jar will do)

£1.50 per entry (2018 fruit only)

Poynings -Sloe Gin Cup and prize for best liqueur


Neighbouring villages – Newtimber, Fulking,

Woodmancote, Pyecombe.

Prizes for best sloe gin/liqueur.

Invitation to the West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board meeting

Thursday 24th January 2019

The West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) is holding its next meeting in public in Haywards Heath. The Board would like to invite local residents and organisations to come and see the Board in action. There will be a question time item on the agenda for members of the public to pose questions to the Board.

The Board aims to improve health and wellbeing outcomes across all local health, social care and public health services and for the whole population. It brings together elected members, leaders from the NHS, social care and the voluntary sector to work together and support one another to improve the health and wellbeing of the residents of West Sussex.

Meeting details are as follows;

This meeting will be open to the public, including residents, community and voluntary groups. Members of the public present as observers at the meeting will have an opportunity to ask questions. If someone has more complex questions they are asked to submit their question in advance (ideally several days), so that a more detailed answer can be given. To do this, please contact Erica Keegan on 0330 222 6050 (a local call) or via email:

Further information about the HWB, together with the meeting agenda and reports can be found on the County Council’s website: The Chairman looks forward to welcoming you to the meeting.

Poynings Pantomime 2019 Reminder

Don’t forget, you still have time to get your tickets for Cinderella, the amazing Poynings Pantomime. It’s this Weekend!!!!!

It’s easy, just click here
and get your ticket/s.

Or pop into the Royal Oak in Poynings, you know you want to…Oh yes you do!


POYNINGS PARISH COUNCIL Meeting Tuesday 15th January 7pm

10th January 2019


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the village Hall on Tuesday 15th January 2019 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters arising
  4. MSDC and WSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for October and November
  7. Planning applications
    Conversion of a redundant barn to a single dwelling. Downmere Farm. BN45 7AE
  8. Budget for 2019 – 2020
  9. Change to Roundabout Maintenance
  10. Insurance
  11. Village sign repairs (Grant)
  12. Dark Skies
  13. Finger Posts
  14. Activities that the Council could support in 2019.
  15. Items for next month’s Agenda
  16. Date for next meeting


    Clerk to the Council
    Mr Colin Warburton

Poynings Pantomime 2019

For many of us, getting back to normal can be pretty difficult after a jam-packed Christmas. The huge roast dinner is almost forgotten, the leftovers are all but gone and we’ve opened every one of our much anticipated presents. Many of us will have made promises to ourselves that we’re going to go to the gym daily, start eating all types of strangely shaped super veggies and stop eating (so much) chocolate. I’m already perspiring at the thought!

Nevertheless, in order to take your mind off of the daunting tasks that await us in the upcoming months, there is one thing you should be doing, rushing over to and buying your tickets for this year’s world famous Pantomime before they are all sold out. Of course, if you fancy a pint at the same time (good bye resolutions) you can get them in the Royal Oak.

Parish Council Meeting

The next Poynings Parish Council Meeting has been changed from Tuesday 8th January to Tuesday 15th January 2019.

Kind regards

Colin Warburton


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