Complimentary mulled wine and mince pies for our customers on Friday 21st December .
Opening hours as usual over the holiday period (Fridays 11 – 5 & Sundays 9 – 12).
Merry Christmas
Dec 18
Complimentary mulled wine and mince pies for our customers on Friday 21st December .
Opening hours as usual over the holiday period (Fridays 11 – 5 & Sundays 9 – 12).
Merry Christmas
Dec 13
Back by popular demand, the classic Cinderella is showing in a Church near you, Poynings Holy Trinity to be precise..
We are delighted to announce that this year’s Panto is everyone’s favourite classic, Cinderella. We have a star-studded cast, many you will have seen before with a few exciting new faces.
We have a stocking full of silliness, the beautiful Cinderella searching for her Prince, but will her sisters get to him first? The lovable Buttons totally besotted by Cinderella sharing his cheeky fun and games. The famous, Fairy Godmother trying to make wishes come true. The classic Panto Dames – The colourful Ugly Sisters causing havoc wherever they go. Baroness Hard-up with her scandalous evil giving lots of opportunity for the audience to hiss and boo. Baron Hard-up the much put-upon husband and father to Cinderella, Devilish Dandini causing mayhem with his wise cracks and mischief.
Our cute team of village children showing off their singing and dancing skills and simply having fun. Don’t miss out on this super treat to scare away the January blues. Come and support the villagers as they take you on a magic fairy-tale journey full of delight and wonder.
Get you tickets here or at the Royal Oak, Poynings before they sell out…
Dec 13
The cafe is shut this Friday 14th, open on Sunday morning as usual.
Dec 07
Sunday 16th December Third Sunday in Advent
10am Family Communion Poynings
11.30am Family Communion Edburton
6pm Carol service with mince pies and mulled wine Edburton
Sunday 23rdth December Fourth Sunday in Advent
10am Holy Communion Pyecombe
2.30 pm Carol Service by candlelight with mince pies Newtimber
6pm Carol service with mince pies and mulled wine Poynings
Monday 24th December Christmas Eve
Crib Service 3.30 Poynings
11.30pm Midnight Mass Pyecombe
Tuesday 25th December Christmas Day
10am Family Communion Poynings
Dec 04
Gatwick Airport plans to expand its capacity from one to potentially three runways.
The Airport has just released a Master Plan which is out for consultation until 10th January. You can find the Masterplan online at:
The airport is consulting on three scenarios:
This means that Gatwick could become a three runway airport.
The impact of this on the Sussex countryside would be enormous, not just the additional noise and light pollution from an increased number of flights, but also a rise in local air pollution and congestion from increased passenger and freight movements. Local Councils would be expected to plan for additional housing and infrastructure to accommodate new workers, despite the fact that many councils are already facing a massive hike in housing targets from Government.
This would be very damaging for the Sussex countryside. The State of Nature 2016 report shows more than half (56%) of UK species studied are already in decline, while more than one in ten species are under threat of disappearing from our shores altogether. We must get the right balance between economic growth and protecting the natural environment.
We have already OBJECTED to these plans but we need your help too. Please act now and add your voice and respond to the consultation today. Share this with your neighbours, family and friends.
More information about how to respond can be found on our website:
Thank you for helping us to protect the Sussex countryside.
Kia Trainor
CPRE Sussex Branch CIO, Brownings Farm, Blackboys, East Sussex TN22 5HG
Tel: 01825 890975 Registered Charity Number 1156568
We exist to promote the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of rural England by encouraging the sustainable use of land and other natural resources in town and country.
Follow us on Facebook: and Twitter: @cpresussex
Join us! Or donate:
Nov 19
As you may know, Poynings Pantomime is all set for another amazing performance in January.
Going back to the first one, “Cinderella”
However, one more member of the cast is needed urgently. The Baron, beleaguered father of Cinderella and owner of Hard-up Hall.
It is not a huge part but pivotal to the story line (yes, believe it or not there is a story line!).
So, if you are interested in being part of the story and having some fun let me know, or Sandra at