Poynings Pantomime 2019 Reminder

Don’t forget, you still have time to get your tickets for Cinderella, the amazing Poynings Pantomime. It’s this Weekend!!!!!

It’s easy, just click here http://poynings.net/poynings-events/poynings-pantomime/cinderella-2019
and get your ticket/s.

Or pop into the Royal Oak in Poynings, you know you want to…Oh yes you do!


POYNINGS PARISH COUNCIL Meeting Tuesday 15th January 7pm

10th January 2019


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the village Hall on Tuesday 15th January 2019 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters arising
  4. MSDC and WSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for October and November
  7. Planning applications
    Conversion of a redundant barn to a single dwelling. Downmere Farm. BN45 7AE
  8. Budget for 2019 – 2020
  9. Change to Roundabout Maintenance
  10. Insurance
  11. Village sign repairs (Grant)
  12. Dark Skies
  13. Finger Posts
  14. Activities that the Council could support in 2019.
  15. Items for next month’s Agenda
  16. Date for next meeting


    Clerk to the Council
    Mr Colin Warburton

Poynings Pantomime 2019

For many of us, getting back to normal can be pretty difficult after a jam-packed Christmas. The huge roast dinner is almost forgotten, the leftovers are all but gone and we’ve opened every one of our much anticipated presents. Many of us will have made promises to ourselves that we’re going to go to the gym daily, start eating all types of strangely shaped super veggies and stop eating (so much) chocolate. I’m already perspiring at the thought!

Nevertheless, in order to take your mind off of the daunting tasks that await us in the upcoming months, there is one thing you should be doing, rushing over to http://poynings.net/poynings-events/poynings-pantomime/cinderella-2019 and buying your tickets for this year’s world famous Pantomime before they are all sold out. Of course, if you fancy a pint at the same time (good bye resolutions) you can get them in the Royal Oak.

Parish Council Meeting

The next Poynings Parish Council Meeting has been changed from Tuesday 8th January to Tuesday 15th January 2019.

Kind regards

Colin Warburton


Bob’s Café Christmas opening times

Complimentary mulled wine and mince pies for our customers on Friday 21st December .
Opening hours as usual over the holiday period (Fridays 11 – 5 & Sundays 9 – 12).

Merry Christmas


Holy Trinity Church Winter appeal

Holy Trinity Christmas Services

Poynings News winter 2018

Didn’t get your copy of the Newsletter, You can download it here

Poynings Pantomime – Cinderella 2019

Back by popular demand, the classic Cinderella is showing in a Church near you, Poynings Holy Trinity to be precise..

We are delighted to announce that this year’s Panto is everyone’s favourite classic, Cinderella. We have a star-studded cast, many you will have seen before with a few exciting new faces.

We have a stocking full of silliness, the beautiful Cinderella searching for her Prince, but will her sisters get to him first? The lovable Buttons totally besotted by Cinderella sharing his cheeky fun and games. The famous, Fairy Godmother trying to make wishes come true. The classic Panto Dames – The colourful Ugly Sisters causing havoc wherever they go. Baroness Hard-up with her scandalous evil giving lots of opportunity for the audience to hiss and boo. Baron Hard-up the much put-upon husband and father to Cinderella, Devilish Dandini causing mayhem with his wise cracks and mischief.

Our cute team of village children showing off their singing and dancing skills and simply having fun. Don’t miss out on this super treat to scare away the January blues. Come and support the villagers as they take you on a magic fairy-tale journey full of delight and wonder.

Get you tickets here or at the Royal Oak, Poynings before they sell out…

Bob’s Café closed this Friday

The cafe is shut this Friday 14th, open on Sunday morning as usual.

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