Weekly craft’n’natter at Bob’s café

Exciting news!


From Wednesday September 19th, there will be a weekly craft’n’natter (‘n’cake,’ ‘n’coffee!) at Bob’s community cafe, Poynings playing field.

Come along between 11am and 1pm, relax and indulge in some creative time, whilst enjoying delicious coffee and cake, and the most excellent company!

Bring whatever you enjoy, not just knitting and crochet, perhaps sewing, embroidery, papercraft, origami, art – absolutely anything crafty!

If anyone is interested in learning to knit, or crochet, I’m very happy to help. Please spread the word and hope to see lots of you there!



Pycombe Village Choir

Goes to the musical

Click here for information


Bob’s café is housing Nick Warwick’s photographic exhibition of black and white prints up to and including Friday September 7th. These lovely framed prints are for sale.

Pop in and have a look


SEPTEMBER 28th 2018.           8PM     Only £1 Entry to cover cost of film.    Refreshments available

Discussion time available afterwards

ON SCREEN:             GET OUT  (2017)  Directed by: Jordan Peele. Starring: Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Bradley Whitford. (Universal Pictures).

Sussex PCC opens community safety fund for local initiatives

Organisations across Sussex are being invited to bid for funding from the county’s Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available for groups that provide a positive and lasting impact on the local community in Sussex.

Since launching the Safer in Sussex funding scheme in December 2013 I have allocated nearly £1.5 million from the Community Safety Fund to support nearly 300
crime reduction and community safety initiatives.” says Mrs Bourne.

“It is making a real difference to local people and neighbourhoods. The high numbers that apply each time shows organisations and community groups care about, and are committed to, keeping Sussex a safe place in which to live.”

To qualify, projects should demonstrate how they will increase or promote community safety within the local community and have a positive long-term impact. They should also be able to offer evidence to support the need for the project and show how it helps to prevent offending and reduce re-offending.

Just some of the organisations from across Sussex that have received grants from the Community Safety Fund to date include:

Antifreeze, a project run by Off the Fence Trust, supports those who have struggled with life-destroying addictions, mental health issues, job loss, family breakdown, violence and bereavement which have led to homelessness. The team and volunteers work to restore self-worth, confidence and independence, and help to address welfare and financial issues (£5,000).

The Friday Night Project – Active Hastings, a project that provides a safe structured environment for young people on Friday evenings, a time when we are aware from discussions with local officers that anti-social behaviour can be a particular problem (£4,904).

Streetlight UK , a charity that provides a specialist, frontline support service to vulnerable groups of women in Crawley and the surrounding areas, involved in and affected by prostitution and sexual exploitation (£5,000).

The window for receiving applications will open on Monday 6 August and will close on Friday 14 September 2018 at 11:59pm. For more information and to apply, please visit www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk/apply-for-funding.

Recruitment is now open for new Sussex Police officers


Do you want to make a difference to your local community? Now is your chance to apply.

Sussex Police has opened a new round of police officer recruitment as it starts to allocate the £17m I have released from reserves and the extra precept contributions from local households.

This investment is excellent news for Sussex Police and for the communities they serve. 800 police officers will be recruited over the next four years, which means that by 2022 we will have 200 more police officers than we have today.

Through a combination of this fresh investment, sound financial management and effective collaboration, the force in a much healthier financial position than it was when we faced savings requirements of £26m.

The Chief Constable’s 2018-22 Transformation Strategy acknowledges that the public need to see and feel a difference from strengthened local policing, so I will be visiting every District in the force to ask the public and see for myself how the areas that matter most to them are being tackled.

If you want to work closely with the local community to protect them then this is the job for you. Applications close on the 15th August so apply today here: http://www.sussex.police.uk/jobs/police-officers/.

Poynings Parish Council Planning Meeting 8th Aug 2018


4th Aug 2018


There is a planning meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 8th August 2018 at 7pm.



  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Planning
    New planning applications (2 amendments)

Location: Rose Cottage Mill Lane Poynings West Sussex BN45 7AE Amendment

Proposal: Variation of condition 1 on planning consent SDNP/18/02982/NMA – to vary the approved plans



Location: Glebe Cottage The Street Poynings Brighton West Sussex BN45 7AQ

Proposal: SDNP/18/03496/TCA | Notice of intention to fell 3 No. Ash Trees, 1 No. Hawthorn, 1 No. Plum Tree, 1 No. dead Silver Birch Tree, Pollard/reduce height by 3m 1 No. Lime tree. Plant: 1 No. Cherry Tree, 1 No. Olive Tree and 1 No. Apple Tree – all approx 4-6ft tall.


Location: Downmere Poynings Road Poynings BN45 7AG Amendment
Proposal: SDNP/18/01971/HOUS | 1. The refurbishment and extension of the existing ancillary building to the north of the site to provide a 5 bedroom family dwelling together with the erection of a 2 bay garage with bin and cycle storage adjacent. Access to the new dwelling from the highway was previously approved under application number SDNP/16/02946/HOUS, Dated 28th September, 2016. 2. Provide a separating / dividing fence between the existing dwelling known as Downmere and the proposed refurbished dwelling.



Mr Mike Airey
Chair of the Council

Bob’s Café

Café opening times.

Mon – Wed – Fri 11am-5pm

Going well, lovely food and Coffee.

Who would have thought it could look like this.

Bin Collections

Temporary change to bin collections due to hot weather

From Thursday 2 August the Mid Sussex recycling and rubbish collections will start from 6am.

The hot temperatures we’re experiencing this summer mean working conditions are tough for our bin collection crews and this change will give them more time to work in the cooler part of the day.

Please ensure your bins and boxes are placed out ready for collection the evening before, in plenty of time for the early start.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Bob’s Community Café Opening

It’s official, Bob’s Community Cafe at the Recreation Ground is opening on Monday 30th July (11am – 5pm)!

We also hope to be open Wednesday (11 – 5), Friday (11 – 8) and Sunday (11 – 5) each week.

We will have indoor and outdoor seating and be selling espresso, teas, homemade cakes, fresh sandwiches, ices and more.

This is intended as a ‘community hub’ to bring people together but it must be remembered that we still have to cover the substantial costs of insurance, rent etc.

Great news is that the Poynings table tennis base has been made safe at last! You can find bats and balls in a green topped plastic tub at the end of Betty Powell’s drive.

And finally – The new seahorse seasaw is now in place in the children’s play area at the recreation ground. The bases of the other play equipment have also been cleaned up in recent months.

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