Poynings Parish Council Meeting 3rd July


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held on the Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd July 2018 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Public Participation
  5. Expenditure for May and June
  6. Planning applications – Decision

    9 Mill Close, Poynings, BN45 7AF – Part single storey part two storey side extension

  7. Winter plan
  8. Church grounds and cemetery
  9. Audit
  10. Bob’s bench
  11. Playing Field Café funds
  12. Water payments
  13. Risk register
  14. Items for Next month’s Agenda
  15. Dates of Next Month’s Meeting

Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton

Stoolball match.

A big thank you from Betty and family to Matthew and Mark for all their time and effort in arranging last Friday’s Stoolball match.


Also thank you to those in the village that turned out to either play, work or support the team’s.


Our family had a great time even though we were beaten!!!


Sussex Song and Verse

Have you bought your ticket for Friday yet? Cotillion provide a wonderful evening of entertainment recalling the stories and songs of Sussex Past.

Poynings Table Tennis

Dear all,

Five of us representing Fulking had great fun and some brilliant games on the outdoor table at Poynings on a warm, sunny evening on 8 June. But where were you folks from Poynings?  I’m afraid in your absence Fulking chalked up a victory, but it’s not too late to save your honour. We have two new games dates in the diary, on Fridays 29 June and 20 July.


If the weather is fine we will meet in the playing field at Poynings — the outdoor table is great, though the surface takes a bit of getting used to! We felt the base was perfectly safe, but as before, everyone will take part at their own risk. NB If the weather is bad on 29 June we will meet in Fulking village hall. On 20 July if the weather is poor we will meet in POYNINGS village hall, as Fulking hall is already booked. I think Mike has volunteered to get the key. But hopefully the sun will shine and both these summer dates can be enjoyed outdoors. Bring other outdoor games if you like!


Ring Jen 552 or email jengreenuk@yahoo.co.uk with any queries e.g. about the weather on the day.

West Sussex Parents & Carers

The Community Safety & Wellbeing Team (CSWB) is asking West Sussex Parents & Carers for their views & experiences in relation to keeping their children safe online.

We are looking to establish what parents & carers main concerns are when parenting in the digital age and what challenges they have faced. We want to understand how confident parents & carers are when dealing with these issues and if they know where to go for help, advice & support.

We want to know about the types of resources parents utilise, are aware of and have available to them, as well as the resources they really value in helping them to better support their young people.

The aim of the survey is to assist us in identifying if any further resources may need to be developed, or to raise awareness of existing resources and how we can better support parents and carers in this area.

We will be running the online survey to try and capture parents & carers views across the County and are encouraging as many people as possible to take part.

Please could you promote via your platforms and encourage those within your networks to complete the survey to help us obtain as many responses as possible.


Respondents can click here to take part or use this link: https://haveyoursay.westsussex.gov.uk/communities-public-protection/parent-online-safety


The survey will close on the 8th of July 2018.


Kind regards


Francesca Blow, Lead for Safe Digital Life,

Community Safety & Wellbeing Team


Bob Powell memorial match

There is a Stoolball match at the Poynings Cricket field on Friday,

15th June.

It’s the Bob Powell memorial match, not to be missed.

Betty Powell’s All-stars v The rest of Poynings. Who do you support??

The match starts at 6pm Food and refreshments will be available.

Poynings Village fete

Don’t forget it’s Poynings Village fete this Saturday. 2 – 4.30.

Bring your family and friends for a fun afternoon in the Rectory gardens!

If you would like to donate cakes, plants or books, you can bring them along between 10 – 12. Bottles for the Tombola can be left in the porch at Dyke Farm House any time this week. 

We all look forward to seeing you there. 

Wanted Free Standing electric cooker 60 cm wide

Needed for café.

Contact Sheila on sheilamarshall500@gmail.com

Parish Council Meeting


29th May 2018



There is a meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 5th June 2018 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Planning
    Two applications received from Downmere Poynings Road Poynings BN45 7AG:


    a. The refurbishment and extension of the existing ancillary building to the north of the site to provide a 5 bedroom family dwelling together with the erection of a 2 bay garage with bin and cycle storage adjacent. Access to the new dwelling from the highway was previously approved under application number SDNP/16/02946/HOUS, Dated 28th September, 2016.

    b. Provide a separating / dividing fence between the existing dwelling known as Downmere and the proposed refurbished dwelling.


    a. Provide a new access from the highway to serve the existing dwelling together with the erection of a new 3 bay garage, summer house and swimming pool.
    b. Provide a separating / dividing fence between the existing dwelling known as Downmere and the proposed refurbished dwelling.

  4. 2017 – 2018 Accounts


Mr Mike Airey
Chair of the Council

Fulking Meeting – Cakes and Things

Don’t forget Saturday 26th at Fulking Village Hall between 11 and 4 for Coffee/Cakes/Cream Teas and Books and Bric-a-Brac.

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