Poynings Apple Day


Sunday 17 September

Village Hall

Apple Pressing 

Pressing starts at 11.30am.

Have your apples pressed at 50p per litre.

Bring containers or buy 1 litre bottles – 25p

Please wash your apples beforehand or wash them on site.

Best Apple Crumble Competition

Entries 11.00am – 1.00pm Village Hall (£1.00 per entry)

Judging 1.00pm – 2.00 pm

(followed by trophy presentation)

Open to Poynings, Fulking and Newtimber residents.

Refreshments, Stalls, Apple Bobbing

Raffle prizes very welcome

Note the correct date – Not October!
Enquiries to Sheila on 01273 857 482

Local Locksmith

Caroline and Alan Currer farewell reminder

A gentle reminder that this Sunday at 10am is Caroline’s last service at Holy Trinity. All are welcome.

You are also invited to a farewell concert in the Church at 6pm which is open to all.

This is followed by a finger buffet and a glass of fizz in the Rectory Gardens. Tickets for this can be purchased from Nigs for £5. Please make your booking by Friday.

Contact Nigs on 01273 857298 or nigsdigby@aol.com

Parish Council Meeting 5th Sept 2017

The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 5th September 2017 at 7pm.


1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes
3) Matters Arising
5) Public Participation
6) Expenditure for July and August
7) Planning applications
SDNP/16/06388/FUL Orchard Cottage , Dyke Lane, Poynings, BN45 7AA To replace an existing residential dwelling with a new residential dwelling. Decision
SDNP/17/02486/FUL Arden Cottage The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ Retrospective application for minor change in roof design to application SDNP/17/00250/DEVMON
8) Footpaths
9) Standing Orders
10) Format of Meetings
11) SID – Speed monitoring
12) Table tennis Table
13) Operation Watershed
14) Banking
15) Asset Register
16) Insurance
17) Benches
18) Village Hall and Opus Glass
19) Fireworks Night
20) Winter Plan
21) Fundraising
22) Dates of Next Meetings

Mr Colin Warburton
Clerk to the Council
Tel: 01273 857024


As you may have noticed, various works have been carried out in the village to help reduce flooding. The money for this was raised by Poynings Parish Council applying for grants for this purpose.

Poynings Parish Council will try and see if more grants can be obtained and will be putting in another application.

What the Council proposes to apply for are:

To raise the rest of the footpath between school cottages and PondBay
To raise the footpath between Downmere and School Cottages. From the road to the kissing gate.
To put in a footpath from just above the School to the Church.

Has anyone else any ideas where flooding occurs that may be added to this?

There is no guarantee of course that we will be able to raise any further funds.

A lot of flooding occurs due to the top of the road gulley’s being covered with leaves etc. Highways or MSDC will never be able to clear this quickly and the best remedy is for locals to do this if they are able.

Kind regards


Free Pallets

Pallet wood available for burning – both broken up and bagged. Pallet wood available for burning – both broken up and bagged.


Whole pallets available also, please enquire in the office.


Bags are located at the side of the small garage in the right hand side of the forecourt of Aviation House. Poynings.


Please help yourselves but PROCEED WITH CAUTION  as there are large nails in the pallets.


Access outside office hours is via a small pedestrian gate on the left.

Wealden Building Study Group

The Wealden Building Study Group was formed over 50 years ago to interpretively record as many as possible of the historic timber framed buildings still remaining in Sussex and the surrounding counties of the South East. The Group itself has recorded over 600 buildings to date but individually members have recorded several thousand more. Members also helped set up the Weald & Downland Living Museum near Chichester which opened in 1970 and now contains over 50 reconstructed buildings, and has referred many enquiries to us that their busy staff do not have time to answer. We have also recently worked with the South Downs National Park on collating many survey records of the buildings within their boundaries.

Much of the remaining earlier structure of many buildings is hidden behind later façades and additions, and needs to be evaluated and recorded by persons who are versed in the chronology of vernacular timber building development. A building may be a ‘Listed Building’ but very often this was only based on a brief visual inspection and consequently, a vague general description. There are also many buildings that have these characteristics but are not, and probably never will be, listed but whose owners would wish to understand their historic development.

As many parishes and towns have done varying levels of research on their historic buildings and environs, and either published them or placed them on their websites, we would like to offer individual householders the opportunity, via our website enquiry form, to request an initial visit by a member to assess the building. This could then lead to a Group visit which would result in a short written report of our conclusions. This poster/flyer “Click Here” gives more detail on the process as does our website. Please use it as you see fit for display in A4 format, forwarding to interested parties, or perhaps include a link to us on your website.

Understandably as our service is provided at no cost by volunteers, we have a waiting list, and are just formulating the April to October 2018 visits programme. Nevertheless, we will try at least to complete an initial assessment visit within a reasonable time. If a householder can provide a few photos of aspects of the building, with their enquiry, as illustrated on the poster, this would be most helpful.

Many thanks,


John Crane BA Hons | Wealden Buildings Study Group

Visits Secretary / Digitisation Project Administrator

Tel: 01903 717069

WBSG Website

Too many fruit and vegetables?

You can donate your excess at the produce and help the Church
If you have too much veg, fruit or flowers you can donate to stall on grass in front of Mill Court.
Alternatively you can take produce and donate to Church in tin provided.

Don’t let it rot

Supper and Live Music

Pyecombe Music Festival 2017

Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd September

Friday 7pm – Supper & Live Cabaret

Quintessential Brass, Imaginary Friends & Sax on the Beach

£15.00 incl food & welcoming drink. Full details with pre-booked tickets ( see below)



Saturday 2nd 11am at Pyecombe Church

Morning coffee concert: Mary Grocott – classical guitar

Tickets including coffee – £5.00

3 – 6pm at Pyecombe Church

Nick Andrews and Friends

Nara Faye Clapperton – soprano & Jamie Andrews – organ

Tickets £6.00

Bring a picnic or enjoy a cream tea in the long interval – Glyndebourne style!


Sunday 3rd September at Poynings Church

3pm – 5pm

Choral Workshop with Nick Andrews £3.00

Come and sing, whether you are an experienced chorister or just someone who sings in the bath!

Sunday 6pm – Farewell Concert for Rev. Caroline Currer Free

followed by: drinks and refreshments in the vicarage garden – Tickets £5.00

Plus live music at Wayfield Park Farm Shop

from 1pm on Saturday and Sunday – free

Performers will include: Sold as Seen and Pyecombe Village Choir

Contact 07736 806851 or email cullmon.jm@gmail.com

for further information or visit www.pyecombevillage.co.uk

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