Poynings Children’s Play Area Additional equipment

Come and air your views

Wednesday 11 October

Village Hall at 8pmIf you can’t make it, post your ideas through Betty Powell’s door at 21 Mill Close by Mon 9 October.

Sheila. 01273 857482






Please note the arrival of the new all weather
TABLE TENNIS TABLE at the Recreation Ground.
(Bats and ball will be available from box at end of Betty’s garden).

It is hoped to have MEMORIAL BENCH installed near the table tennis table in memory of Bob Powell.

Bob was instrumental in the building of the sports pavilion and securing the field and allotments for the village.
Should you wish to donate towards a bench,

There is a collection box on the bar of the Royal Oak Pub.

(C) Mike A.

Harvest Festival!

Please join us for

Holy Trinity, Poynings




Sunday 1st October at 10am

Supporting the Brighton and Hove City Mission, who work closely with families and single people going through times of great hardship and who struggle to provide the basics for their children.

Please donate non-perishable food; items in tins, jars and dried goods, such as pasta and rice are all suitable for storing in food banks until required.

The Church is open for goods to be dropped at any time.


A door to door collection will also be made Saturday 30th morning.

Old Time Music Hall

Don’t forget the Old Time Music Hall next Friday, 29th September in St Andrew’s Church at 7.30. Tickets price £10 include supper and there is a bar selling wine and soft drinks. The entertainment is by Pyecombe Village Choir.


For more details ring 07812 465 559 or email standrewsedburton@yahoo.co.uk

Four Quartets

Mid Sussex Voluntary Action

We are a registered charity supporting the community and voluntary sector in Mid Sussex.

If you are looking to volunteer somewhere, we can help you find a suitable role. Simply visit our website at www.msva.org.uk/opportunities where you can search our database of current local volunteering roles.

If you are a not-for-profit organisation in need of free support with getting set-up, finding funding, recruiting and manging volunteers, accessing affordable training courses and other resources, please contact us for assistance.

You can find out more about the services we provide at www.msva.org.uk or contact us by phoning 01444 258102 or emailing volunteering@msva.org.uk.

Caroline and Alan

We would like to thank all the friends from these villages and beyond for the fantastic farewell concert and party held at Poynings on 3rd September.

It was an incredible send off which involved so much work on the part of lots of people, and reduced us to tears (of sadness and laughter alternately) and will see us through these next tedious weeks of packing. Thank you too for all the cards and gifts. The past 8 years that we have shared with you here have been a very special time for us, so we want to thank you not just for the farewell but for all that has gone before. The warmth we have met in these villages has been incredible, and leaving is very hard. We will miss you all.

Our thanks go as well to Poynings Parish Council for nominating us for a Community Service Award, which we will receive on 17th September (whilst others in Poynings are squeezing apples!) It is an amazing honour, and very humbling for us to have been nominated.

It will take us til the end of the month to leave the Rectory, so don’t be surprised to see one or other of us frantically loading the dustbins or driving to the tip prior to going!

In order to get the job done, we are keeping a very low profile, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love you all!

Thank you again for everything.


Caroline and Alan Currer

Poynings Apple Day


Sunday 17 September

Village Hall

Apple Pressing 

Pressing starts at 11.30am.

Have your apples pressed at 50p per litre.

Bring containers or buy 1 litre bottles – 25p

Please wash your apples beforehand or wash them on site.

Best Apple Crumble Competition

Entries 11.00am – 1.00pm Village Hall (£1.00 per entry)

Judging 1.00pm – 2.00 pm

(followed by trophy presentation)

Open to Poynings, Fulking and Newtimber residents.

Refreshments, Stalls, Apple Bobbing

Raffle prizes very welcome

Note the correct date – Not October!
Enquiries to Sheila on 01273 857 482

Local Locksmith

Caroline and Alan Currer farewell reminder

A gentle reminder that this Sunday at 10am is Caroline’s last service at Holy Trinity. All are welcome.

You are also invited to a farewell concert in the Church at 6pm which is open to all.

This is followed by a finger buffet and a glass of fizz in the Rectory Gardens. Tickets for this can be purchased from Nigs for £5. Please make your booking by Friday.

Contact Nigs on 01273 857298 or nigsdigby@aol.com

Parish Council Meeting 5th Sept 2017

The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 5th September 2017 at 7pm.


1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes
3) Matters Arising
5) Public Participation
6) Expenditure for July and August
7) Planning applications
SDNP/16/06388/FUL Orchard Cottage , Dyke Lane, Poynings, BN45 7AA To replace an existing residential dwelling with a new residential dwelling. Decision
SDNP/17/02486/FUL Arden Cottage The Street Poynings BN45 7AQ Retrospective application for minor change in roof design to application SDNP/17/00250/DEVMON
8) Footpaths
9) Standing Orders
10) Format of Meetings
11) SID – Speed monitoring
12) Table tennis Table
13) Operation Watershed
14) Banking
15) Asset Register
16) Insurance
17) Benches
18) Village Hall and Opus Glass
19) Fireworks Night
20) Winter Plan
21) Fundraising
22) Dates of Next Meetings

Mr Colin Warburton
Clerk to the Council
Tel: 01273 857024

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