Church News August 2017

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe

August 2017

There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.

On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.

Location varies according to the pattern below:

    First Sunday
(6th August)             Poynings

    Second Sunday
(13th August)             Newtimber

    Third Sunday
(20th August)             Poynings

    Fourth Sunday
(27th August)             Pyecombe

There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm

every second Sunday (13th August) at Pyecombe.

In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am. (6th August and 20th August)

Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays: Edburton at 6 pm Tuesdays: Newtimber at 5pm

Wednesdays: Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 7th August, 3.30 – 5 pm at Dyke Lane, Poynings

(Barbara & Tony Sargeant)


Sunday 13th August – Aaro Lindfors Black Newtimber

Sunday 13th August – Jacob Alfie Adeoluwa Juba Pyecombe

Sunday 27th August – Poppy Fern Hind      Pyecombe


Sat 19th August Alice Langridge and Sam Day Poynings

Sat 27th August Mac Lee and Chelsea Wyles Poynings


Thurs 3rd August Stuart Cullen      Poynings

Other special events and dates this month

  • Afternoon tea and cake (£2) will be served at Pyecombe Church 2.30 – 4.30 on 5th and 20th August
  • Saturday 12th August, 6pm, concert By Jamie and Nick Andrews at St Mary’s Church, Kemp Town.
  • The Pyecombe Evening Service on 13th August at 6pm will be a community gathering to celebrate the wonder and beauty of the world in which we live.
  • Edburton Hymns and Pimms Service will be at 6pm on Sunday 27th August at St Andrew’s Church Edburton
  • Pyecombe Music Festival takes place 1st to 3rd September – events throughout the weekend.
  • Caroline’s final service will be at 10am on Sunday 3rd September at Poynings.
  • Farewell Concert (6pm) and Party (7pm) to celebrate Caroline’s retirement on 3rd September at Poynings
  • There will be no Messy Church this month.


For more information on all events, email :

Clergy contact details:

Revd. Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559

Poynings Cricket Club

Sean Spicer joins Poynings Cricket Club as PR Chief

Poynings Cricket Club has moved quickly to hire Sean Spicer, the former White House press secretary, as the club’s new Director of Communications.

Mr Spicer, who caused controversy with his ill-tempered Washington press briefings, has already ruffled feathers in his opening meeting with journalists at the Cricket Field in front of 10,000 supporters.

He quit his White House role unexpectedly recently as President Donald Trump moved to bring in a smooth new operator in his place.

But that opened the door for Poynings Cricket Club, and they are already seeing the benefits the new hire’s extravagant claims.

Mr Spicer told hushed Poynings journalists today: “Season ticket sales have hit 24,000 and we expect to play in front of crowds of 27,000 this season,” he claimed.

“In fact, we will have the highest gates on record. Period.”

“After we got thrashed by the local team recently, in part due to the great innings by a local farmer, we have now spent tens of millions on new players, and next week we will unveil a £15 million new opening batsman, just like we said we would.”

“Our wicket keeper is not going to be sold, the fielding was out of this world, and we’ll be giving our youth players a real chance this year.”

Spicer saved some of his famous spite for journalists until the end of the briefing, when the Poynings News editor tried to ask a question about ticket prices.

“Poynings News? Fake news. It’s worse than CNN” he said. “There is no room for this Fake News Media anymore.”







Soil removal cancelled again

Unfortunately, Poynings Recreation Ground soil excavation cancelled tomorrow due to the weather.

Surplus produce stall in aid of Church

Situated on grass in front of Mill Court.


Donate your surplus garden produce or take some produce and donate to the Church

Poynings v Fulking Tug of War

This Sunday 30th 3.30 Fulking Fair

Poynings are a couple of men down so arrive early if you want to join in.

Soil removal cancelled

Due to unforeseen circumstances the soil digging has been cancelled until 10 am next Saturday 29th

Free topsoil

There is 15 ton of topsoil and turf available this Saturday 22nd at Poynings Recreation Ground as the base for the new table tennis table is being dug out

Come along from 10.00 am onwards and help yourself.

Police Fraud – Newsletter July 2017

GP Services – Extended Access Survey 2017

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) plan and buy healthcare services for the local population in your area.

National funding is available from 2018 to improve access to GP services. This includes ensuring that everyone has more convenient access to GP services, including a mixture of same day and routine appointments on weekday evenings after 6.30pm, and at weekends based on local needs. This piece of work is known as ‘delivering extended access to GP services’.

As local CCGs we are currently considering how best to deliver extended access in your area so that it meets the needs of our population, is realistically deliverable within the budget we have been allocated to provide this additional service. There is a national and local shortage of GPs and other clinicians who work in general practice. This means that extended access services could be provided at a venue other than your own surgery and that you may not see your own GP or even a GP from your usual practice. Should that GP need to access your medical records, your consent will be sought when you book the appointment.

The CCGs would like to find out more about your views on extending access to GP services in the evenings and at weekends.

By completing the survey you have the opportunity to tell us:

• How likely you are to use GP appointments in the evenings and weekends.

• The kind of services you might want to use in the evenings and at weekends.

• Whether you would consider alternatives to face to face consultations.



The survey only takes a couple of minutes to complete. Here is the link:


If you have any queries regarding this survey please contact the Primary Care and Community Development Team at NHS Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG/NHS Crawley CCG on 01293 600300 x4138 or send an email to:


Paper copies can be returned using the following freepost address:


Crawley CCG & Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG,

Crawley Hospital, West Green Drive, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 7DH

Four Quartets – Pyecombe Church

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