Poynings Parish Council agreed to submit an RTO (Traffic Regulation Order) to WSCC to reduce the speed limit from the top of Clappers lane to Poynings roundabout to 50mph. As it is an ‘A’ road a meeting is being set up with highways. The application is helped if it can be shown that there is support for the change. If you want the speed limit to be changed, please vote here. http://poyningsparishcouncil.com/index.php/speed-limit-ginger-fox-to-poynings-roundabout/ (Note, you can only have one vote per device)
Aug 23
20 mph Speed Limit – Poynings
Poynings Parish Council recently submitted a RTO (Traffic Regulation Order) to WSCC to reduce the speed limit in Poynings to 20mph. The application is helped if it can be shown that there is support for the change. If you want the speed limit to be changed, please vote here http://poyningsparishcouncil.com/index.php/poynings-speed-limit-poll/ (Note, you can only have one vote per device)
Aug 10
An Extraordinary meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 15th August 2023 at 7pm.
1) Apologies for absence
2) Minutes
3) Co-opt 2 councillors
4) Planning
a) SDNP/23/03131/LDP | Insertion of a rear door to the western facade Shepherds Hey The Street Poynings. BN45 7AQ
b) SDNP/23/02868/HOUS | Removal of existing lean-to structure and erection of two-storey side extension. | Rushfield Stables Henfield Road Poynings. BN45 7AY
c) SDNP/23/02872/LIS | Demolition of rear extension and erection of replacement rear extension with associated opening, erection of extension to garage to the east and to create first floor above, 2 replacement sash windows and reinstatement of sills to west elevation at first floor, replacement of softwood French doors in rear elevation with hardwood doors of the same design. Poynings House The Street Poynings. BN45 7A
d) SDNP/23/02911/LIS | Erection of verandah | Poynings House The Street Poynings Brighton West Sussex BN45 7AQ
John Digby – Chairman
10th Aug 2023
Aug 10
Bonfire Night 2023
86 people voted in the recent bonfire night poll.
77 voted in favour and 9 against, 90% in favour.
Poynings Parish council, with others, will look into the feasibility of holding an event again this year.
Aug 02
Poynings Bat Hunt
Join us for an evening of fun finding and identifying bats.
For more information, read the post.
Jul 19
Bonfire Night 2023
As there hasn’t been a bonfire night for a few years, the Parish Council wants to see if there is enough interest to have one this year. Times move on and of course there are now concerns about green issues and animals.
Of course, even if there is enough interest, the Parish Council may still not be able to hold the event as some things are out of their control.
So, can you indicate if you think it should, or should not, go ahead, by voting here http://poyningsparishcouncil.com/index.php/950/#comment-2
Jul 15
Pyecombe Flower Festival 2023
Saturday 22nd July 2023 11am – 4pm
and Sunday 23rd July 2023 11am – 4pm
For more information click here, or go to https://poynings.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Pycombe-flowers.jpg
Jul 15
Fulking Fair
Sunday 16th July (TOMORROW) 12 – 5pm
For more information click here or go to https://poynings.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Fulking-Fair.jpg
Jul 10
Road Closure
The A281 is due to be closed on Wednesday 19th of July 2023 to Friday 21st of July 2023 for Carriageway Surface Dressing. An alternative route for traffic will be signed on site. These works are weather dependant and subject to change.
Poynings roundabout to The Ginger Fox. 20:00 – 06:00
Jul 10
Fizz and canapes at Pangdean
In support of Malagiri School.
20th July 2023 from 5-7.30pm
go to https://poynings.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/poster-for-20-July.pdf for more information.