Park for £1 all day in Mid Sussex this Christmas

Mid Sussex District Council is encouraging people to shop locally and support their community by reducing parking to £1 every Saturday in December.


In the run up to Christmas, shoppers won’t have to worry about parking prices in specific long stay car parks across Mid Sussex. Mid Sussex District Council is providing discounted parking on Saturdays to support local shoppers and traders. As parking on Sundays is already free, it will cost just £1 to park in the Franklynn Road, Queens Crescent, Station Road, the Vicarage or Norton House car parks for the whole weekend.


“Christmas is a really important time for local shops and it’s vital that we show them our support by doing our present shopping locally in our towns when we can.,” said Councillor Gary Marsh, Cabinet Member for Service Delivery. “We are aiming to spread Christmas cheer and good will to residents and those visiting from outside of Mid Sussex, so take advantage of our £1 offer and shop locally this Christmas.”


Short stay car parks in Burgess Hill, East Grinstead and Haywards Heath will also be free after 1pm on the day of the Christmas light switch-on. To support these town events you won’t have to pay during the afternoon on:


Saturday 19th November, at –

The Martlets, Burgess Hill

Church Road, Burgess Hill

Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill


Saturday 26th November, at –

The Orchards, Haywards Heath

Hazelgrove, Haywards Heath

Haywards East, Haywards Heath

Gower Road, Haywards Heath

Haywards West, Haywards Heath

Queensway, East Grinstead

Kings Street, East Grinstead

Chequer Mead, East Grinstead

Christopher Road, East Grinstead


These free Christmas celebrations will feature some great Christmas activities such as a free ice rink, funfair rides, live entertainment, craft stalls and the opportunity to meet Father Christmas.


For more information please contact our parking team on 01444 477212 or at or visit


We invite you to our Seasonal CONCERT to be held in NEWTIMBER Church, BN6 9BT

Thursday, 29th. December, 2016 at 7.30pm

Professional musicians including The Midsummer String Ensemble. They will play works by Vivaldi, Haydn and Brahms.

Mulled wine and mince pies will be included during the interval. We now have lighting up the church path and Parking will be on the south side of Church Lane.

You can obtain tickets priced £12 for adults and £6 for under 18’s, from

Lucy Dalrymple – 01273 831877 email:

Stephanie Anderson –

and Gill Keith –




Sunday November 20th, 2016, 11AM – 3PM

Village Hall, Fulking



Wooden and woollen crafts, textiles, cards, prints, calendars, jewellery, decorations, stocking fillers and much more!


More stallholders welcome, £10 a table, contact Jen Green

Wood for sale

Lots of wood – some good to use and some for firewood.

Come along and see what a bargain you can get to Hobbs Cottage, Pyecombe, BN45 7EG

On Saturday 12th November from 10am to 4pm

All the wood has been kept in a workshop so is bone dry.

Pondtail Wood – Weekly Update Bulletin – 10 November 2016


No site activity this week.


Key dates


  • Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately.
  • The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to the submission of an Appeal.
  • An Appeal against the Enforcement Notice had been validated with the Planning Inspectorate on 12 August 2016. However, the appropriate fee has yet to be paid.
  • Remedial work specified in the Enforcement Notice should be completed by 23rd August 2016 (42 days from when the notice takes effect). Currently this date is suspended due to the appeal.
  • Before 30 April 2017 the land must be restocked with trees as per the Forestry Commission Notice. This Notice has also now been appealed.
  • Owner must pay appeal fee by 2 September 2016. Sale by auction by Barnard Marcus on 12 September 2016.
  • No appeal fee paid as of 2 September 2016. The appeal will proceed on ground(s): (b) that the breach alleged has not occurred as a matter of fact. (c) that there has been no breach of planning control. (f) that the steps to be taken are excessive/lesser steps would overcome the objection. (g) that the compliance period is too short.
  • The Public Inquiry date has been arranged for 4 April 2017 and is scheduled to last 2 days.


SDNPA Website


SDNPA website has a dedicated webpage with regular updates, which can be accessed from the front screen by clicking on the photo titled ‘Pondtail Wood Update’:

Consultation goes live for Sussex Police Precept

Residents can now take part in Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne’s consultation for the Sussex Police Precept 2017/2018. This proposes to increase the police element of council tax rise by around £5 per household to fund over 100 new police officers and specialist staff.

The web address is


We need the right people, with the right skills in the right place to protect you and fight crime,” said Sussex PCC Katy Bourne.

“That’s why I want to invest in 100 new officers and staff in specialist teams to strengthen local policing and keep our communities safe.”

I am responsible for setting the policing element of council tax in Sussex. I would like to ask households if they would be prepared to pay – on average – an additional £5.00 which would create an extra £3m for policing each year. When that is added to the £2m savings already identified, it allows Sussex Police to invest in over 100 police officers and specialist staff in the following areas.”

  • Community Priority Crime Teams:
    to investigate local crime problems, dismantle organised gangs and remove repeat offenders and provide a reassuring community presence.

  • Expert Youth Teams: to target and support those younger people most at risk of committing crimes or becoming a victim of crime.

  • Specialist Firearms Officers:
    for counter terrorism deterrence and response.

  • Public Protection Investigators:
    to provide appropriate response and more capacity to deal with the increased reports of sexual offences and child protection cases.

Sussex Police is modernising its services to meet the local policing and security needs of the 21st century. This new way of working has been acknowledged as ambitious and positive by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary.

“Whilst that transformation is under way across all areas of policing and will take time, I want to make sure Sussex residents can see local policing being strengthened now.

The consultation, which began on the website this week and will include public engagements across Sussex, closes in January 2017. The PCC will then present her recommendations on whether to propose a rise in the precept to the Police and Crime Panel in January.


Simon Ellery – Sussex Police


Pyecombe Christmas Fayre

@ Hurstpierpoint Village Centre

Saturday 3rd December, Between 1.45 & 3.45pm

A great opportunity to buy gifts such as jewellery, cosmetics, books, musics, cakes and much much  more, along with entering a Tombola and Grand Raffle.

Admission Free, Refreshments available

Fulking Downland Calender 2017



Saturday 12 November 8 pm

Fulking Village Hall

We celebrate the launch of the 2017 Downland Calendar with a slideshow selection of stunning images submitted for the calendar by Fulking villagers.

Drinks and nibbles provided

Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 8th Nov 2016

Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton

1th Nov 2016


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 8th November 2016 at 7pm.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. WSCC and MSDC
  5. Public participation
  6. Expenditure for Sept and Oct
  7. Planning applications
  8. Roundabout etc
  9. Watershed
  10. Ping Pong Table
  11. Co-Opt Councillor
  12. Fireworks Night
  13. Pondtail Wood
  14. Defibrillator
  15. Dates of Next Year’s Meetings

Poynings Bonfire 2016

The torch procession and Guy will leave the Royal Oak at approximately 6.25 on Sat Nov 5th.

The lighting of the bonfire and fireworks will follow.

Please give very generously on the gate to pay for the fireworks.

Hot food & Drink by Sussex Four Wheel Drive in aid of Ye Olde Villagers Christmas Dinner.

You can take material to the bonfire 9am-5pm Oct 17th – 1st Nov

It must be taken to the bonfire site, not left on the forecourt Clean burning material only – No tyres, plastic metal etc

Presented by Poynings Villagers and Parish Council

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