Church Tree and Fund raising

Big THANK YOU to the following:


– John and Nigs Digby for hosting a fundraising dinner for Brighton Voice in Exile to support refugees, and to all who enjoyed it and contributed to their massive total of £615.

– all who helped to clear the bank in front of the church – especially Mark and Michael Lee and the large team of volunteers, including 3 of our parish councillors. There are some good pictures with Nigs!


Many thanks


Christmas Services 2016

The Downland Benefice Churches of

Holy Trinity, Poynings St Andrew, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe


Christmas Services 2016

In addition to the normal Sunday Benefice services held on Sunday mornings in December,

the following is our timetable for special Christmas services.

Sunday 11th December    Carol Service at Pyecombe with the

6pm                    Mid Sussex Brass Band – and refreshments


Saturday 17th December Carol Service at Holy Trinity, Poynings

6pm                – followed by mulled wine and mince pies.


Sunday 18th December    Carol Service at St John’s,
Newtimber 2.30pm – followed by tea in church –for all ages    

6pm                    Carol Service at St Andrew’s, Edburton – followed by mulled wine and mince pies.


Saturday 24th December at 3.30pm at Poynings Christmas Eve

Christingle Service for children of all ages – with oranges and sweets.

Saturday 24th December 11.30pm    at Edburton and Pyecombe.

Midnight services of Holy Communion


Sunday 25th December                     Christmas Day

8am             Short quiet service of Holy Communion at Newtimber

10am        Holy Communion for Christmas Day at Poynings


You and your family would be welcome at any of these services

Downland Churches News Nov 2016

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity, Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe


November 2016


There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.


On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.

Location varies according to the pattern below:

    First Sunday     (6th November)          Poynings

    Second Sunday (13th November
Remembrance) Newtimber

    Third Sunday     (20th November)         Poynings    

    Fourth Sunday    (27th November)         Pyecombe


There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm every second Sunday
(13th November: Remembrance)
at Pyecombe.


In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am (6th and 20th November)


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays: Edburton at 6 pm; Tuesdays: Newtimber at 5 pm

Wednesdays: Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 7th November, 3.30 – 5 pm at Pangdean farm, Pyecombe

(with thanks to Ian and Nicki Currie)

        Special events and dates this month


  • November is the month for Services of Remembrance. There will be a short said weekday service at Poynings on Armistice Day (Friday 11th November) at 10.45am. On Remembrance Sunday, we have two services – in the morning at Newtimber, and in the evening at Pyecombe. Names of the fallen from all 4 parishes will be read both on 11th November and at the service at Newtimber. Those from Pyecombe are read at Pyecombe. On Sunday 20th November, the morning service at Edburton will include reading of the names of the fallen from that parish.
  • Study Groups continue at The Rectory on Wednesdays: 2nd November will be our final group meeting in this series.
  • Book sale in Fulking Book Nook (the chapel by the village hall) on 13th November 11am – 4pm. Also CDs and DVDs.
  • Messy Church this month will be on Friday 18th November: 4.30pm in the Hall at Fulking: all welcome.
  • There will be a performance of Macbeth at St Andrew’s Church, Edburton, on the evening of Sunday 20th November. Book online at
  • 25th November is Edburton Quiz night at Preston Nomads at 7pm. Teams of 4: £7.50pp. Call 07812-465-559 Food and bar.
  • The first Sunday of Advent is on Sunday 27th November. During Advent, we are launching an appeal for goods to support those who are homeless in winter. Goods collected will be sent to Off the Fence, a local charity that supports those who are sleeping rough. Details of the appeal will be available during November – please watch out for it.
  • Save the date for the Poynings Pantomime: Beauty and the Beast. There will be evening performances on Friday 13th January and Saturday 14th January, and matinees on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th. The best panto in the area!


Clergy contact details:

Revd. Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559

Garage/House contents sale

Looking for something in the house!

There is a sale at Hobbs cottage, Haresdean lane, Pyecombe, BN45 7EG.

The home of Wendy and Terry Desborough (not for much longer)

It’s on the 5th and 6th November from 10am to 4pm each day

Furniture, bric-a-brac, china and glass, soft furnishings, bed linen, garden stuff, electrical goods, electric and hand tools plus all sorts of stuff in the workshop, in fact all the usual contents of a house and garden.

As you probably know we are moving so come along for a chat and free refreshments and you might find something you would like to buy.

Please park on the slip road

log supplier

Could anyone recommend a good and relatively cheap log supplier, preferably one that will stack?

Contact Rob on






Saturday 12 November 8 pm

Fulking Village Hall



We celebrate the launch of the 2017 Downland Calendar with a slideshow selection of stunning images submitted for the calendar by Fulking villagers.


Drinks and nibbles provided

The Downland Churches


A Service of

Remembrance and Thanksgiving


All Souls Tide

will be held on


Sunday 30th October 2016 at 6pm

at Holy Trinity Church, Poynings


At this service, we read the names of those we have loved and lost, whether recently or long ago. As you come into Church, you will be given a card to write the name(s) of those you specially want to remember, and a small candle to light in memory of them during the service.

Or you may prefer simply to name them before God in silence.

Services of Remembrance


Sunday, 13 November 2016


St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

10am Holy Communion

followed at

by a short Service of Remembrance


At this service, the names of the fallen from the four parishes of Poynings, Edburton, Newtimber and Pyecombe will be read and a two minute silence observed at 11am.


The Transfiguration, Pyecombe

6pm Service of Remembrance, with Mid Sussex Chorus


Friday, 11 November 2016

Holy Trinity, Poynings

10.50am Service of Remembrance


The names of the fallen from the four parishes of Poynings, Edburton, Newtimber and Pyecombe will again be read and

a two minute silence observed at 11am


Sunday, 13 November 2016

St Andrew’s Edburton

11am Service of Remembrance with communion

Downland Parish Cookery Book

FINAL CALL for recipes for the Downland Parish Cookery Book.  please send your recipes urgently.  closing date 31st October.  Simply complete the attached form and email, or pop it through my door.

Massive thanks!  Nicki Cutress, Westend Cottage, The Street, Poynings

See below for reminder.


Dear friend


The four parishes, Edburton, Newtimber, Poynings and Pyecombe, are working together to produce a recipe book to raise funds for the four churches.


To do this we obviously need recipes! Nothing fancy – just the sort of things that you cook frequently and that your friends and family enjoy eating.


If the recipe features local produce even better!


Please help us by sending me a recipe and bypassing this message onto any of your friends in the village that you know cook at least one fabulous dish!


Recipes should be sent to me or posted through my door.

Thanks for your support! Nicki Cutress


Recipe title


Brief description of finished dish



Why have you chosen this dish to share?



Which Season do you think it fits?

Winter / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Anytime

(delete seasons not appropriate)














Cooking time


Oven temperature


How many people will it feed?


Serving suggestion.




Tips / variations (if applicable)






Address / contact details



Fulking 2017 Downland Calendar

The 2017 Downland Calendar provides spectacular views of our beautiful South Downs all year round.


Fulking Village Hall plays a central role in the life of the local community, so villagers have put together a calendar to raise funds to maintain the hall. The 2017 Downland Calendar features a variety of stunning images celebrating different aspects of the surrounding countryside and villages, with photographs taken by local residents clearly in love with this beautiful area.


This high-quality A4 page calendar will make an ideal Christmas present for family, friends and colleagues, or for yourself! It is available to buy for only £6.00 and is supplied shrink-wrapped.


The Downland 2017 Calendar is on sale at Rushfields Plant Centre, Poynings, Shepherd and Dog Pub, Fulking, Design, Copy Print in Henfield and Swains Farm Shop, Woodmancote. Further information and copies of the calendar are also available from Jen Green,

Pondtail Wood – Weekly Update Bulletin – 13 October 2016




No New news this week.



Key dates


  • Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately.
  • The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to the submission of an Appeal.
  • An Appeal against the Enforcement Notice had been validated with the Planning Inspectorate on 12 August 2016. However, the appropriate fee has yet to be paid.
  • Remedial work specified in the Enforcement Notice should be completed by 23rd August 2016 (42 days from when the notice takes effect). Currently this date is suspended due to the appeal.
  • Before 30 April 2017 the land must be restocked with trees as per the Forestry Commission Notice. This Notice has also now been appealed.
  • Owner must pay appeal fee by 2 September 2016. Sale by auction by Barnard Marcus on 12 September 2016.
  • No appeal fee paid as of 2 September 2016. The appeal will proceed on ground(s): (b) that the breach alleged has not occurred as a matter of fact. (c) that there has been no breach of planning control. (f) that the steps to be taken are excessive/lesser steps would overcome the objection. (g) that the compliance period is too short.


SDNPA Website


SDNPA website has a dedicated webpage with regular updates, which can be accessed from the front screen by clicking on the photo titled ‘Pondtail Wood Update’:




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