Church News October 2016

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity, Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe


October 2016


There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.


On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.

Location varies according to the pattern below:

    First Sunday     (2nd October, Harvest)     Poynings

    Second Sunday     (9th October)        Newtimber    

    Third Sunday     (16th October)        Poynings    

    Fourth Sunday    (23rd October)        Pyecombe

    Fifth Sunday    (30th October)        Newtimber


There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm

every second Sunday
(9th October: Harvest)
at Pyecombe.


In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am (2nd and 16th October: Harvest)


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays: Edburton at 6 pm; Tuesdays: Newtimber at 5 pm

Wednesdays: Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 3rd October, 3.30 – 5 pm at Customary Cottage, Fulking

(with thanks to Anna and Richard Ball and Tim Stace)


Sunday 2nd October Harriet Rose Emmerson    Poynings



Monday 3rd October Evelyn Barber    Poynings

Monday 17th October     Doris Norris    Woodvale



To be held at 6 pm on Sunday 16th October at the church of

St Edward the Confessor, Burgess Hill. Please support our candidates with your presence and/ or your prayers:

James Andrews

Sam Rentz

Chris Agg

Peggy Mathieson

Other special events and dates this month

  • Concert by the Vivace Choir in Newtimber Church at 7.30pm on Saturday 8th October. Proceeds to the Church: tickets in advance £10 (£5 under 18s) from Lucy, Gill or Stephanie – see posters in churches for contact details.
  • October is the month for most of our Harvest services: 2nd October at Poynings; 9th October at Pyecombe in the evening; 16th October at Edburton, followed by a Harvest picnic. Gifts of produce welcome at all services – no eggs or jam, please.
  • Messy Church this month will be on Friday 21st October: 4.30pm in the Hall at Fulking: all welcome.
  • Study Groups continue at The Rectory on Wednesdays: 5th (no meeting on 12th October) 19th, 26th October and 2nd November. 2.30 – 4pm or 8 – 9.30pm, whichever suits!
  • On October 30th at 6pm, we have our annual All Souls Service at Poynings, when we remember by name those who have died – either recently or longer ago.


Clergy contact details:

Revd. Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559


Don’t forget Poynings Apple Day

Sunday 2nd October Village Hall

Apple Pressing

Pressing starts at 11.30am.

Have your apples pressed at 50p per litre.

Bring containers or buy 1 litre bottles – 25p. Please wash your apples beforehand or wash them on site.

Best Apple Cake Competition

Entries 11.00am – 1.00pm Village Hall (£1.00 per entry) Judging 1.00pm – 2.00 pm (followed by trophy presentation) Cake competition open is to Poynings, Fulking and Newtimber residents.

Refreshments, Stalls, Apple Bobbing,

Enquiries Sheila 01273 857482

Pondtail Wood – Weekly Update Bulletin – 30 September 2016





No further updates


Key dates


  • Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately.
  • The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to the submission of an Appeal.
  • An Appeal against the Enforcement Notice had been validated with the Planning Inspectorate on 12 August 2016. However, the appropriate fee has yet to be paid.
  • Remedial work specified in the Enforcement Notice should be completed by 23rd August 2016 (42 days from when the notice takes effect). Currently this date is suspended due to the appeal.
  • Before 30 April 2017 the land must be restocked with trees as per the Forestry Commission Notice. This Notice has also now been appealed.
  • Owner must pay appeal fee by 2 September 2016. Sale by auction by Barnard Marcus on 12 September 2016. Did not sell.
  • No appeal fee paid as of 2 September 2016. The appeal will proceed on ground(s): (b) that the breach alleged has not occurred as a matter of fact. (c) that there has been no breach of planning control. (f) that the steps to be taken are excessive/lesser steps would overcome the objection. (g) that the compliance period is too short.



SDNPA Website


SDNPA website has a dedicated webpage with regular updates, which can be accessed from the front screen by clicking on the photo titled ‘Pondtail Wood Update’:


Note: Pondtail Wood is being auctioned again on Monday 10th October 2016 by Barnard Marcus. Grand Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5DA. Lot 128 guide price £35,000.



At St John the Evangelist Church,

Church Lane, Newtimber BN6 9BT


We are thrilled to welcome back the Vivace! Choir to Newtimber Church on Saturday, 8 October 2016, at 7.30 pm


Our beautiful Downland church will be warm, the path is lit, delicious refreshments await, and a fun varied programme from Vivace! Choir.


Do join us for a programme of various styles of music sung by this popular Sussex Choir


Tickets in advance £10 adults, £5 for under 18s.

With welcome drink and light refreshments included in the interval.



Stephanie Anderson 01273 857329

Lucy Dalrymple – 01273 831877

Gill Keith – 01273 835013


Cheques made out to – St John the Evangelist PCC Newtimber


A Poynings Parish Council Planning meeting is to be held in the Village Hall on
Wednesday 28th Sept 2016 at 7pm.



Amended planning application:
Rose Cottage. Mill Lane. Poynings BN45 7AE



Clerk to the Council                            

Mr Colin Warburton                            

Tel: 01273 857024



Sunday 2nd October Village Hall


Apple Pressing


Pressing starts at 11.30am.

Have your apples pressed at 50p per litre.

Bring containers or buy 1 litre bottles – 25p. Please wash your apples beforehand or wash them on site.


Best Apple Cake Competition


Entries 11.00am – 1.00pm Village Hall (£1.00 per entry) Judging 1.00pm – 2.00 pm (followed by trophy presentation) Cake competition open is to Poynings, Fulking and Newtimber residents.


Refreshments, Stalls, Apple Bobbing,



Enquiries Sheila 01273 857482

Pondtail Wood Weekly Update Bulletin – 23 September 2016



No Changes


Key dates


  • Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately.
  • The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to the submission of an Appeal.
  • An Appeal against the Enforcement Notice had been validated with the Planning Inspectorate on 12 August 2016. However, the appropriate fee has yet to be paid.
  • Remedial work specified in the Enforcement Notice should be completed by 23rd August 2016 (42 days from when the notice takes effect). Currently this date is suspended due to the appeal.
  • Before 30 April 2017 the land must be restocked with trees as per the Forestry Commission Notice. This Notice has also now been appealed.
  • Owner must pay appeal fee by 2 September 2016. Sale by auction by Barnard Marcus on 12 September 2016 resulted in no sale.
  • No appeal fee paid as of 2 September 2016. The appeal will proceed on ground(s): (b) that the breach alleged has not occurred as a matter of fact. (c) that there has been no breach of planning control. (f) that the steps to be taken are excessive/lesser steps would overcome the objection. (g) that the compliance period is too short.



SDNPA Website


SDNPA website has a dedicated webpage with regular updates, which can be accessed from the front screen by clicking on the photo titled ‘Pondtail Wood Update’:




Recipe Book

The four parishes, Edburton, Newtimber, Poynings and Pyecombe, are working together to produce a recipe book to raise funds for the four churches. 

To do this we obviously need recipes! Nothing fancy – just the sort of things that you cook frequently and that your friends and family enjoy eating. 

If the recipe features local produce even better! 

Please help us by sending me a recipe and bypassing this message onto any of your friends in the village that you know cook at least one fabulous dish! 

Recipes should be sent to me or posted through the door of the vicarage in Poynings

Recipe title



Brief description of finished dish




Why have you chosen this dish to share?




Which Season do you think it fits?

Winter / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Anytime

(delete seasons not appropriate)






















Cooking time


Oven temperature


How many people will it feed? 

Serving suggestion.




Tips / variations (if applicable)






Address / contact details


Pondtail Wood – 16 September 2016

Weekly Update Bulletin



No new information


Key dates


  • Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately.
  • The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to the submission of an Appeal.
  • An Appeal against the Enforcement Notice had been validated with the Planning Inspectorate on 12 August 2016. However, the appropriate fee has yet to be paid.
  • Remedial work specified in the Enforcement Notice should be completed by 23rd August 2016 (42 days from when the notice takes effect). Currently this date is suspended due to the appeal.
  • Before 30 April 2017 the land must be restocked with trees as per the Forestry Commission Notice. This Notice has also now been appealed.
  • Owner must pay appeal fee by 2 September 2016. Sale by auction by Barnard Marcus on 12 September 2016, did not sell.
  • No appeal fee paid as of 2 September 2016. The appeal will proceed on ground(s): (b) that the breach alleged has not occurred as a matter of fact. (c) that there has been no breach of planning control. (f) that the steps to be taken are excessive/lesser steps would overcome the objection. (g) that the compliance period is too short.



SDNPA Website


SDNPA website has a dedicated webpage with regular updates, which can be accessed from the front screen by clicking on the photo titled ‘Pondtail Wood Update’:



Pondtail Wood – Weekly Update Bulletin – 9 September 2016


  • Enforcement Officer John BACON has now left the SDNPA and his role as Pondtail Wood liaison has been taken up by Jean Chambers, Performance & Technical Manager in our Planning Directorate. Her email address is . Please direct any information, enquiries or Weekly Updates to her from this time on.

Key dates

  • Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately.
  • The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to the submission of an Appeal.
  • An Appeal against the Enforcement Notice had been validated with the Planning Inspectorate on 12 August 2016. However, the appropriate fee has yet to be paid.
  • Remedial work specified in the Enforcement Notice should be completed by 23rd August 2016 (42 days from when the notice takes effect). Currently this date is suspended due to the appeal.
  • Before 30 April 2017 the land must be restocked with trees as per the Forestry Commission Notice. This Notice has also now been appealed.
  • Owner must pay appeal fee by 2 September 2016. Sale by auction by Barnard Marcus on 12 September 2016.
  • No appeal fee paid as of 2 September 2016. The appeal will proceed on ground(s): (b) that the breach alleged has not occurred as a matter of fact. (c) that there has been no breach of planning control. (f) that the steps to be taken are excessive/lesser steps would overcome the objection. (g) that the compliance period is too short.

SDNPA Website

SDNPA website has a dedicated webpage with regular updates, which can be accessed from the front screen by clicking on the photo titled ‘Pondtail Wood Update’:

UPDATE – Land did not sell at auction today, highest bid was £49,500 which did not reach the reserve – Colin




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