Poynings Table Tennis appeal

We’ve managed to secure a reinforced concrete base for the outdoor table tennis table that complies with all the regulations for £1400.00!

We have £600.00 in the bank so just another £800.00 to go – any last minute donations would be most welcome (drop an envelope in to either Sheila’s or Colin’s).

Thanks Sheila

Pondtail Wood – Weekly Update Bulletin – 2 September 2016

  • Enforcement Officer John BACON is leaving the SDNPA and his role as Pondtail Wood liaison will be taken by Jean Chambers, Performance & Technical Manager in our Planning Directorate. Her email address is jean.chambers@southdowns.gov.uk . Please direct any information, enquiries or Weekly Updates to her from this time on.



Key dates


  • Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately.
  • The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to the submission of an Appeal.
  • An Appeal against the Enforcement Notice had been validated with the Planning Inspectorate on 12 August 2016. However, the appropriate fee has yet to be paid.
  • Remedial work specified in the Enforcement Notice should be completed by 23rd August 2016 (42 days from when the notice takes effect). Currently this date is suspended due to the appeal.
  • Before 30 April 2017 the land must be restocked with trees as per the Forestry Commission Notice. This Notice has also now been appealed.
  • Owner must pay appeal fee by 2 September 2016
  • Sale by auction by Barnard Marcus on 12 September 2016.


SDNPA Website


SDNPA website has a dedicated webpage with regular updates, which can be accessed from the front screen by clicking on the photo titled ‘Pondtail Wood Update’:



Church News September 2016

The Downland Benefice

Holy Trinity, Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe



September 2016


There is a united Benefice service every Sunday morning at 10 am in one of our churches.


On most Sundays, this is a service of Holy Communion.

On the first Sunday of each month, it is an all age worship service, followed at 11.15 am by a short Communion service.

Location varies according to the pattern below:

    First Sunday     (4th September)             Poynings

    Second Sunday (11th September: Harvest)    Newtimber    

    Third Sunday     (18th September)            Poynings    

    Fourth Sunday    (25th September)            Pyecombe


There is also a Benefice Evening Service at 6pm every second Sunday (11th September) at Pyecombe.


In addition, at Edburton Church there is:

A service of Family Communion every first and third Sunday at 11 am. (4th and 18th September)


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

Mondays: Edburton at 6 pm; Tuesdays: Newtimber at 5 pm

Wednesdays: Poynings at 9 am; Pyecombe at 6 pm


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday, 5th September, 3.30 – 5 pm at Dyke Farm House,     Poynings

(home of John and Nigs Digby)


Saturday 17th September Nick Hales and Lucy Carnell    Edburton


Sunday 18th September James Harry Andrews        Poynings


Special events and dates this month

  • Edburton PCC will meet on Thursday 1st September.
  • Over the weekend of 2nd – 4th September we are holding a new ‘Pyecombe Music and Arts Festival’ with events at the Church and at Wayfield Park Farm Shop, and featuring Herbie Flowers and Friends. For details contact 07736 806851 or look on the village website at www.pyecombe.org.uk. It will all be rounded off with a simple medieval-style service with music at 6 pm (no charge), followed by refreshments.
  • The gardens at Pangdean will be open in memory of Sue Currie on Weds 7th September at 11 am followed by a light lunch – all are welcome, but please let Ian Currie know in advance on 01273 841670 if you can come.
  • There is a meeting to launch our next Poynings Pantomime (Beauty and the Beast) at the Royal Oak in Poynings on Thursday 8th September at 8pm. Come along if you are interested in helping or taking part.
  • Messy Church this month will be on Friday 16th Sept: 4.30pm in the Hall at Fulking: helpers and children most welcome.
  • Study Groups will re-start on 21st September at The Rectory: Wednesdays 21st, 28th September; 5th, 19th, 26th October and 2nd November. 2.30 – 4pm or 8 – 9.30pm, whichever suits!
  • Concert in Newtimber Church on the evening of Saturday 24th Sept in aid of the Church and ‘Voices in Exile’.
  • Benefice Council meets on Monday 26th September at 7.30pm
  • 7pm on Friday 30th Sept: Harvest Supper at Edburton Church: call Roy on 07549013911 for tickets– all welcome.


Clergy contact details:

Revd. Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456         c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton)     01273 494559

The Great British High Street Awards

The Great British High Street Awards are back and this time we’d like to see West Sussex go one better. Last year Bognor Regis was named as runner-up in Britain’s best coastal high street category – now it’s your turn to nominate yours!


Run by the DCLG, winning high streets could receive a welcome cheque for £10,000, helping them to fund necessary improvements or go towards upcoming project works.


This year you have the opportunity to nominate a worthy West Sussex village, town or city across 14 different categories, including five new awards recognising regeneration and our own ‘High Street Heroes’.


Whether you’re fond of your village’s network of friendly small business owners, or you love the hustle and bustle of a nearby market town – we encourage you to nominate your favourite and help put West Sussex on the map.


There’s still time to take part – nominations are open to everyone and run until Friday 9th September before voting begins.


Shout about your town or village pride and nominate them online at www.thegreatbritishhighstreet.co.uk


With kind regards



Louise Goldsmith

Leader, West Sussex County Council

Chichester West Division

Beauty and The Beast ~ Poynings Panto January 2017

We are on the hunt for budding actors and  actresses for this years’ Poynings Panto.
Image result for beauty and the beast images

We are holding a meeting at The Royal Oak on Thursday 8th September at 8pm so if you are interested taking part or helping out please come along.

We are also inviting children and teenagers to join the dance troupe.

Please contact Sandra Slinger on 01273 857146 (sandraslinger@gmail.com)

or Nigs Digby  at nigsdigby@aol.com ,

to put your name down and we will be in touch.

Pyecombe Music & Art Festival

Come and support Jamie and his father Nick Andrews at Pyecombe’s Music & Art Festival next weekend, 2nd, 3rd & 4th September.  

Nick & Jamie will be playing Friday evening at the Downland Celebration, Saturday afternoon  ‘A Fat Hour of Extraordinary Choral Music’ and  Saturday evening accompanying  Nara Faye Clapperton & Fiona Hunnisett, our local sopranos. 

Contact 07736 806851 or email cullmon.jm@gmail.com for tickets

Friday 2nd September

7.00- 8.30pm – A Downland Celebration @ Pyecombe Church

Stories, Music & Poems from Sussex



Saturday 3rd September


11-12.00am – Stories for Children Young & Old

Pyecombe Church

From A A Milne, Hilaire Belloc, R Kipling – read by Debbie Money


1.00-2.30pm – Entertainment by Local Musicians

@ Wayfield Park Farm Shop – (Free Admission)



3.00-4.00pm – A Fat Hour of Extraordinary Choral Music

@ Pyecombe Church

Brighton’s Nick Andrews & Friends, followed by tea & cakes

7.30-8.30pm – Evening Song Recital @ Pyecombe Church

Nara Faye Clapperton (soprano) & Fiona Hunnisett (mezzo-soprano), Nick Andrews (accompanist)



Sunday 4th September


1.00- 2.00pm Entertainment by Local Musicians @ Wayfield              Park Farm Shop – (Free Admission)


including: ‘Sold as Seen’A local Country & Rock Band


3.00 – 3.30pm – Hassocks Recorders A local ensemble


4.00 – 5.00pm – Herbie Flowers & Friends @ Pyecombe Church

Two Faerie Stories:

The Wedding of the Sun & Moon & Limpy Lawson

6 – 6.30pm – A Simple Medieval Service with Music @                             Pyecombe Church

In the style of Lewes Priory and followed by wine and light refreshments


Art by local Artists for sale at both venues over the weekend

Refreshments available for purchase at many of these events


Weekend Festival Tickets: £20 (access to all performances)

Individual Performance Tickets: £6

Admission Free for Children under the age of 12

Box Office Open at Pyecombe Church Sat. 27th August, 10am – 12pm, Thursday 1 September, 6-7pm & Fri. 2nd September, 10am – 12pm

Or contact 07736 806851 or email cullmon.jm@gmail.com

For further details see website: www.pyecombe.org.uk

Proceeds for Pyecombe Church with a contribution to The Samaritans

Free support for people at risk of diabetes

A Burgess Hill woman, who has been driven on by seeing her mother suffer with diabetes, has lost over two stone in weight and become much more active after signing up for a Mid Sussex Wellbeing pre-diabetes course.

After a routine visit to the doctor in January 2016 Joanne Hamilton from Burgess Hill was advised that she was at risk of developing diabetes.

“My mum’s diabetic, has suffered with blindness and suffers awfully with her legs, so it was a real spur to do something,” said Joanne. “I was given a leaflet by my GP recommending the pre-diabetes course run by Mid Sussex Wellbeing. It was held at my local GP surgery, so it wasn’t inconvenient at all, and it was packed full of information.


“At the end of the course we were asked if anyone would like to do anything extra or have some one-to-one support. We were told about the 12 week Mid Sussex Wellbeing courses in Burgess Hill, which are local to me an cost just £1 per week, so it was a bit of a no brainer really; if someone was going to help me.

“All I can say from the heart is I know I would be bigger now than when I started if it wasn’t for the Wellbeing courses. I’ve lost 2st 3lbs, which is amazing, and it’s completely changed the way I look at food. I’ve now taken up swimming and I’m going three times a week, where I meet up with some of the other ladies from the group.


“The Wellbeing course has been invaluable. I have yo-yo dieted in the past and joined slimming clubs but personally I don’t think they work. The only way to do it is to change your lifestyle and I would recommend the Wellbeing team.”


The number of people living with diabetes in the UK has tipped over the 4 million mark for the first time, a figure that has increased by over 65% in the last decade. The Mid Sussex Wellbeing team is working hard to try and buck that trend locally and has announced new dates for their successful pre-diabetes programme to help people at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes avoid the condition.


The programme is open to anyone who is concerned about their lifestyle or weight. However, some people are more at risk of developing the condition than others so residents with a family history of Type 2 diabetes, a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25 and adults from ethnic minority backgrounds are being strongly encouraged to sign-up for the prevention programme.


The free course looks at small and manageable steps that individuals can take to avoid developing Type 2 diabetes, such as changes to diet, increasing activity levels and other lifestyle factors.

The free half-day courses will be run at GP surgeries in Burgess Hill, East Grinstead and Haywards Heath on the following dates:


East Grinstead – Friday 16 September

Haywards Heath – Thursday 13 October    

Burgess Hill – Friday 21 October    

Burgess Hill – Wednesday 2 November    

East Grinstead – Friday 11 November    

Burgess Hill – Friday 2 December    

Haywards Heath – Thursday 8 December    

East Grinstead – Friday 20 January 2017

Burgess Hill – Wednesday 1 February 2017

Haywards Heath – Thursday 9 February    2017

Burgess Hill – Friday 17 February    2017

East Grinstead – Friday 17th March 2017

For more information or to book your space now please call the Wellbeing team on 01444 477191 or email wellbeing@midsussex.gov.uk.

Pondtail Wood Weekly Update Bulletin – 25 August 2016


  • The SDNPA website was updated and Jo GLYNDE, SDNPA Senior Media Officer responded to a number of enquiries with the following:

    “We are aware that a for sale sign went up last week, with an auction due to be held on 12 September. The landowner is legally entitled to sell the property. The notices stay with the land and so will transfer to any new owner. The owner should declare the notices prior to any sale.”

    This was covered in the following media:

    The Times (content can’t be linked as behind paywall)

    BBC Online http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-37158701

    The Argus http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/14696370.Landowner_tries_to_sell_woodland_he_felled/

    Also expected in the West Sussex County Times today.



Forestry Commission


Jon HARDING from the Forestry Commission informed that he had been told by their Secretariat an objection to the Restocking Notice had been received by the Secretary of State. This was the morning of this Update and he had no further details at the time.


Key dates


  • Stop Notice was served on the 13th June 2016 and took effect immediately.
  • The Enforcement Notice was served on the 13 June and should have taken effect on 12th July 2016. This effective date is suspended due to the submission of an Appeal.
  • SDNPA were informed by solicitors acting on behalf of the site owners that an Appeal against the Enforcement Notice had been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate on 11 July 2016.
  • Remedial work specified in the Enforcement Notice should be completed by 23rd August 2016 (42 days from when the notice takes effect). Currently this date is suspended due to the appeal.
  • Before 30 April 2017 the land must be restocked with trees as per the Forestry Commission Notice.
  • Owner must pay appeal fee by 2 September 2016
  • Sale by auction by Barnard Marcus on 12 September 2016.


SDNPA Website


SDNPA website has a dedicated webpage with regular updates, which can be accessed from the front screen by clicking on the photo titled ‘Pondtail Wood Update’:




Starting School – September 2017

Was your child born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013? If so then he or she is eligible to start school in September 2017.

The application process for children due to start school in September 2017 will begin on Monday 3 October 2016. West Sussex County Council no longer sends individual letters to parents but is advertising the application arrangements as widely as possible and it is in this connection that I now write to you.

The key points are:

  • Applications can be made between 3 October 2016 and 15 January 2017
  • Special rules apply for house movers until 23 March 2017
  • The Information for Parents booklet is available on our website
  • Further information is available by ringing 03330 142 903

Applications made after the closing date cannot be considered until all on time applications have been processed. This may mean it is not possible to offer a child a place at a local school. We would therefore be grateful if you could help actively encourage all parents to apply by the closing date.

Apply online! It’s simple, convenient and timesaving, plus you get an instant email acknowledgement that your application has been received.

If you would like further advice or information contact:

03330 142 903

Free internet access to apply online is available at all:

  1. West Sussex libraries;
  2. Children and Family Centres.

    Deadline: Sunday 15 January 2017

Raising Funds for Holy Trinity Church. Poynings

There is a simple way to raise funds for our local church at no cost to you! 

Shop online via www.easyfundraising.org.uk and retailers (from John Lewis to Thomson Holidays) give a donation to your charity of choice, and Holy Trinity Church Poynings is listed on the website as a cause to support.

It’s easy:

Go to http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ , click on ‘support a good cause’, enter ‘Holy Trinity Church, Poynings’ and click on ‘support this cause’.

Then register with your details and after that shopping online via http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ will automatically channel donations to the Church. 

Shopping itself is easy – just go to this website and find your retailer and carry on as usual with purchases.  The donations cost you nothing.

You can also use easysearch instead of Google for searches and this gives the Church 1p for every two searches.  Simply go to www.easysearch.org.uk  and put in ‘Holy Trinity Church, Poynings’ where it asks what cause you support, and then every time you do a search via this website funds trickle in.

Bookmark www.easyfundraising.org.uk and www.easysearch.org.uk now!

Thank you for your support!

Caroline and the PCC.

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