Poynings Parish Council Planning Meeting

Tuesday the 9th June. 7pm at Poynings Village Hall

There will be a short Parish Council Planning meeting to discuss two recent planning applications:

Glebe Cottage (SDNP.15.02186.TCA), tree works

Greenacres (SDNP.15.02258.HOUS), construction of a single storey gym.

Please join us if you have any comments on these.



Festival goers are Wild About Mid Sussex

Local residents are invited to get back in touch with nature at the Wild About Mid Sussex event on Saturday 6 June 2015.

Wild About Mid Sussex celebrates the wonderful countryside that surrounds the towns and villages of Mid Sussex. It is totally free to enter and takes place at St John’s Park in Burgess Hill from 10am until 5pm.

Wildlife conservation groups from all over the country provide informative displays and exhibitions to help local people find out about protecting local wildlife and the varied habitats of Mid Sussex.

There will be fun for all the family with face painting for young children and the chance to see some native wildlife up close including bats, bees, stag beetles and pond creatures. Adventurous souls who are looking to meet wildlife from further afield will be able to see exotic foreigners such as Amazonian tree frogs, gargoyle geckos, pythons and a 4ft rhino iguana that loves to be stroked.

“Wild About Mid Sussex is fast becoming one of the most popular events at the Burgess Hill Summer Festival,” said Councillor Pru Moore, Mid Sussex District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure and Sustainability. “Last year over three thousand local people came along to get a close look at the wild animals and find out more about the valuable conservation projects we have in the area. It looks set to be another wonderful event this year so why not head down to St John’s Park on 6 June to take a walk on the wild side!”

‘Wild About Mid Sussex’ is organised by the ‘Friends of Burgess Hill Green Circle’ group, in partnership with Mid Sussex District Council and Burgess Hill Town Council. The event marks the start of the Burgess Hill Summer Festival, a nine day celebration of music, dance, comedy, art, crafts, theatre, nature, literature and history. Highlights include Jazz legend Chris Barber, an evening with prize winning novelist Alison MacLeod and a retelling of Romeo and Juliet with Debs Newbold.

For more information about the ‘Wild About Mid Sussex’ exhibition, please visit

www.bh-green-circle.org.uk or email parksopenspaces@midsussex.gov.uk.

Hymns and Pimms







May 31st 2015



‘Hymns and Pimms’


Please join us in singing some favourite hymns in our lovely

Downland Church


accompanied by a complimentary glass of



6.00pm for 6.30pm

Parish Council AGM

The Parish Council AGM has been moved.

It is now on the following Tuesday, the 26th May 2015 at 7.30pm


Parish Clerk Vacancy

If you were thinking of applying for the vacancy of Clerk for the Poynings Parish Council, then you need to apply by the end of the week.

Full details http://poynings.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Job-Description-Feb-2015-.pdf

Applications to Nicki Cutress.  cutress.family@btinternet.com

Poynings Parish Council Election results

And the results are:


Sheila Marshal 104        

Mike Airey        104        

Jake Richards   102        

John Digby          88        

Matt Cutress      86        

Jan Nichols         74        

Chris Wood        69


Fulking Book Sale

Book Sale Reminder


Sunday 11th May


and every Wednesday 10.00-11.30am

Large, ever changing selection of books, cds etc

Watch Found

Anybody missing a watch. It’s a woman’s watch, wind-up, small face, metal link band with hearts in it.  Found dropped by the stile at the top of Mark Lee’s ploughed field.

Contact Judy of Sunnyside, 857160.

Downland Churches May 2015

The Downland Churches

Holy Trinity Poynings,  St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe


May 2015

Sunday 3rd May                               Easter 5

10 am  Family Service              Poynings
11 am  Family Communion     Edburton


Sunday 10th May                             Easter 6 

10 am   Holy Communion        Newtimber

6 pm   Evening Service         Pyecombe


Thursday 14th May                   Ascension Day

7.30 pm Holy Communion          Newtimber


Sunday 17th May                                     Easter 7

10 am Holy Communion          Poynings

11am   Family Communion      Edburton


Sunday 24th May                                        Pentecost

10am  Holy Communion          Pyecombe


Sunday 31st May                    Trinity Sunday

10am  Holy Communion          Newtimber


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm:  Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday 11th May, 3.30 – 5pm at Downside, Fulking

(home of Charmayne and Harry Diamond)


Saturday 23rd May   David Roberts and Marilyn Simon


Friday 29th May     Marie Hollywood and Harry Morgan



Saturday 16th May   Annabelle Florence Dinham     Poynings

Saturday 30th May   Alice May Lamb                                  Pyecombe


Other special events and dates this month


  • The Family Service at Poynings on 3rd May will NOT be followed by Holy Communion as it usually is – please go down to Edburton for 11am if you wish to receive communion in the Benefice on that day.
  • Plant Sale at Pyecombe on EITHER Saturday 9th May, if the weather is fine, when it will be held in the churchyard OR Sunday 10th May in the church if Saturday is wet. 2-4pm either day.
  • Deanery Synod will be held on Weds 13th May at St Francis Church Hassocks at 8pm.
  • On Friday 15th May we will be launching Downland     Messy Church in the Hall at Fulking from 4.30-6pm.      Come and join in the fun, and bring the family.
  • Sunday 24th May is Pentecost Sunday. Apart from our own service, all are invited to St Edwards Church. Burgess Hill for a special praise service at 6pm.
  • Newtimber PCC on Tuesday 26th May at 7.30pm at Rectory Cottage.
  • Puppet show and workshop at Newtimber Church on Weds 27th May (during half term) from 2.30-4.30pm.
  • ‘Pimms and Hymns’ is on Sunday 31st May at Edburton Church at 6pm – come and enjoy your favourite hymns!

SEEDLING SUNDAY in Fulking village hall

A reminder that SEEDLING SUNDAY is this Sunday, 3rd May, 11-3 pm, in Fulking village hall!!

BRING any PLANTS and seedlings you have to swap or sell! Business usually starts very briskly at 11… so turn up promptly if you don’t want to lose out on this unmissable opportunity to stock your garden with beautiful blooms! 

Also on sale: TEA / COFFEE, CAKES, books and garden-themed gifts… Come for a chat over a delicious home-made cake!

All proceeds from teas and sale of plants to the village hall which is urgently in need of funds to help to meet a large maintenance bill for the roof, so please come and support us on Sunday!

We still need people to make CAKES and also HELP ON THE DAY.  Contact CHRIS please on gilder6646@aol.co.uk, or 857552.

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