Second hand bricks available from Jill on 01273 857125 Collection only
Apr 07
Fishy News
Rushfields now has a fresh fish man visiting on Fridays, 10am – 3pm.
Meet Mark in Rushfields car park, he’s from 109 St. James Street. Brighton.
Probably a long time since fresh fish was sold in Poynings!
Apr 01
The Downlands churches – April 2015
The Downland Churches
Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton
St John the Evangelist, Newtimber
The Transfiguration, Pyecombe
April 2015
Thursday 2nd April Maundy Thursday
7.30 pm Holy Communion Poynings
Friday 3rd April Good Friday
12 noon Reflection Pyecombe
Sunday 5th April Easter Day
8 am Holy Communion Newtimber
10 am Family Communion Poynings
11 am Family Communion Edburton
11.30 am Easter egg hunt with
12 noon Children’s service Pyecombe
Sunday 12th April Easter 2
10 am Holy Communion Newtimber
6 pm Evening Service Pyecombe
Sunday 19th April Easter 3
10 am Holy Communion Poynings
11am Family Communion Edburton
Sunday 26th April Easter 4
10am Holy Communion Pyecombe
Morning and Evening Prayer each week
At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings
At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)
At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber
Evergreens (for the over 60’s)
Monday 13th April, 3.30 – 5pm
Fulking Farmhouse (home of Joanna and Stuart Cairns)
Saturday 4th April Ian Harris and Charlotte Burton
Friday 24th April Nicholas Payne and Charlotte Bishop
April is the month for Church Annual Meetings:
• Newtimber 7th April 5.30pm, in Newtimber Church
• Pyecombe 12th April 7.15pm, in Pyecombe Church
• Poynings 13th April 7pm, Village Hall Poynings
• Edburton 15th April 7.30 pm, Village Hall Fulking
All welcome to elect church-wardens and PCC members.
Other special events and dates this month
• Sunday 12th April, 3-5pm in Pyecombe church: Holiday activities for children: Contact Jill 01273 566276
• Sunday 19th April, 2-5pm. Newtimber Place Gardens open under National Open Gardens Scheme. Proceeds from teas to the Church.
• Tuesday 21st April 2-4pm, hymn choosing meeting at The Rectory. All welcome.
• Wednesday 22nd April at 5 pm in Fulking Village Hall. An open meeting to discuss a new planned informal service for Fulking and surrounding areas.
• Sunday 26th April from 9am, there will be a verge sale at Muddleswood (BN6 9BP) in aid of Church Funds. Contact Lucy Dalrymple on 01273 832009.
Clergy contact details:
Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge
Tel 01273 857456
Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559
Mar 30
Poynings Church Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting for Poynings Church will take place on Monday 13th April at 7pm in the Village Hall.
You are very welcome to come and hear what we have been doing during the year, and to find out about our plans for 2015-16.
Do join us!
Mar 30
Parish Clerk Vacancy
The closing date for applications / interest for the position of the Poynings Parish Council Clerk is 27th April at the latest. If you are interested contact Nicki at Download Job Description here
Mar 29
Parish Councillor and Clerk Vacancies
Your Parish Council needs you!!!!
Are you interested in making decisions for the good of the Village? Do you want to join the Parish Council?
There are vacancies for Parish Councillors and a Clerk. The election for the Parish Councillors will be held on Thursday 7th May.
Nominations forms can be downloaded from the MSDC website, , or contact Nicki Cutress. Download a Parish Council Nomination pack here.
Completed nomination forms MUST be hand delivered to MSDC offices in Haywards Heath between Monday 30th March and Thursday 9th April. Office hours are 9am – 4pm. It is best to arrange an appointment so they can go through your application.
For the vacancy for Parish Clerk. Please contact Nicki Cutress, for a copy of the job description and to discuss further.
Mar 29
Don’t forget that all that dogs must be on a lead around livestock especially now lambing time is upon us. In the last few weeks we have had a sheep killed and two injured on the land from over the road from Saddlescombe down to behind Foxash. There is an electric fence by the Saddlescombe Road layby and signs that sheep are grazing, it is National Trust land so please abide by the bylaws. I’m sure I speak for all the sheep farmers in the area.
From Colette and Dave at Saddlescombe Farm.
Mar 24
Parish Councillor Vacancies
Your Parish Council needs you!!!!
Are you interested in making decisions for the good of the Village? Do you want to join the Parish Council?
There are vacancies and the election will be held on Thursday 8th May.
Nominations forms can be downloaded from the MSDC website, , or contact Nicki Cutress. Or download here Parish Council Nomination pack.
Completed nomination forms MUST be hand delivered to MSDC offices in Haywards Heath between Monday 30th March and Thursday 9th April. Office hours are 9am – 4pm. It is best to arrange an appointment so they can go through your application.
Also, there is a vacancy for Parish Clerk. Please contact Nicki Cutress, for a copy of the job description and to discuss further.
Mar 20
Brighton Festival Chorus perform Bach’s St John Passion
Bach St John Passion
Semi-staged with orchestra
Conductor James Morgan
Brighton Festival Chorus returns to Brighton Dome for a special ‘in the round’ performance of JS Bach’s glorious St John Passion.
Bach’s powerfully meditative interpretation of the Gospel of St John is a work of startling immediacy yet subtle nuance, recreating the psychological and emotional conflict of Christ’s final days before His public trial and crucifixion. Bach’s dramatic vision is brought vividly to life in this intimate Proms-style performance, which takes the singers in and amongst the audience.
Good Friday 3 April, 3pm
Brighton Dome Concert Hall
BOOK ONLINE, call 01273 709709
Or visit the Brighton Dome Ticket Office in person
Concert ticket holders are invited to attend a free workshop to hear more about the St John Passion and to learn the chorales on Sat 21 Mar at St George’s, Kemptown. Further details including how to obtain your free workshop ticket at
Copyright © Brighton Festival Chorus, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: 2 Winterbourne Close Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1JY