Breaking News

Don’t get too excited but here is an update about what you can recycle as a few more items have been added!


Hooray for pots, tubs and trays

As of Wednesday 1 April, we’ll be able to accept your household pots, tubs and trays in your regular household recycling collections across West Sussex.

It’s not an April fool – we want your plastic containers. You’ll be able to recycle things like yoghurt pots, ice cream tubs, fruit and vegetable punnets and ready meal trays, as well as your plastic bottles – all we ask is that they are clean, dry and loose!

Why should I recycle my plastic containers?
Recycling plastics saves a valuable resource from just being thrown away.

Plastic packaging makes up 11% of household waste – that’s a lot of plastic which could be recycled. We anticipate that recycling household pots, tubs and trays could see more than 4,000 tonnes added to the county’s recycling rate every year!

Recycled plastic can be transformed into lots of different things – including clothes, toys, kitchen utensils, pens and even garden furniture!

What can I recycle?
From the start of April, plastics that can be accepted in your recycling are:

  • Milk and drinks bottles;
  • Bathroom bottles;
  • Laundry/detergent bottles & tubs;
  • Yoghurt, cream & soup pots;
  • Ice cream & margarine tubs;
  • Cosmetic pots & tubs;
  • Food & ready meal trays;
  • Fruit & vegetable punnets; and
  • Plastic container lids (such as those used on coffee jars).

But there are still a few plastic items we can’t accept in your household recycling. These include:

  • Plastic carrier bags & plastic film;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Plant pots & seed trays;
  • Plastic toys; and
  • Plastic furniture.

It’s really important to make sure all items placed in your recycling bin are:

– free from food and liquid leftovers. Items that have food on them can ruin the quality of the other recycling in your bin, which can go on to spoil the items collected in recycling lorries. It could mean the bin or even a whole truckload can no longer be recycled meaning all of your hard work will literally go to waste!

Dry – moisture can cause items to stick together, especially if your paper or cardboard items get wet. This means they cannot be recycled and they may clog the sorting machinery.

Loose – the high-tech sorting plant can’t separate your recycling if it is placed within cardboard boxes or tied up in plastic bags.

To find out more about recycling in West Sussex, including what can be collected in your household collection, please visit

Parish Council Meeting

Agenda for the next Poynings Parish Council Meeting

to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10th March 2015 at 7pm.

1. Minutes

2. Matters Arising
a. Bins
b. Minutes on website
c. Dog Bin

3. Expenditure for January and February

4. Planning Applications
a. Wykehurst Barn Cottage – extension to existing barn – SDNP decision
b. Oak Cottage – tree works – SDNP decision
c. Park Wood – it has been reported by MSDC that the owner is now complying with legal requirements for the access

5. Any Other Business

6. AGM

The Downland Churches

The Downland Churches

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe



March 2015


Sunday 1st March                 Lent 2

    10am    Family Service        Poynings

    followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion

11am Family Communion     Edburton


Sunday 8th March             Lent 3

    10am Holy Communion        Newtimber

     6pm Evening Service        Pyecombe


Sunday 15th March Mothering Sunday

    10am    Holy Communion        Poynings
am Family Communion    Edburton


Sunday 22nd March            Lent 5

    10am    Holy Communion        Pyecombe


Sunday 29th March          Palm Sunday

    10am    Holy Communion        Newtimber


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber

Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday 2nd March, 3.30 – 5pm

The Paddock, Fulking

(thanks to Ian and Jill Malby)

Golden Wedding Blessing

Sunday 22nd March, 3pm Ian and Avril Pollard

The Church of the Transfiguration, Pyecombe


Saturday 28th March          Poynings

Darryl Cole and Donna Sadler

Memorial Service

Wednesday 11th March Bill Brightwell     Edburton

Special events and dates this month

  • Lent Study Groups are running on Wednesdays: afternoons at Pangdean and evenings at The Rectory. Course this year is ‘Hope Actually’ produced by the Church Urban Fund. Dates: 25th February, 4th March, 18th March, 25th March and possibly 1st April. NB meeting on 11th March has been rearranged to accommodate funeral at Edburton.
  • Friday 6th March is The Women’s World Day of Prayer. Service at Henfield Free Church at 2pm – all welcome. This year the service focuses on The Bahamas.
  • Saturday 7th March at 7pm a concert in Newtimber Church by ‘The Vivace Choir’ in aid of the Church. Tickets from Shirley Murrell, Lucy Dalrymple or Gill Keith. £8 for adults – includes refreshments.
  • Weds 11th March, evening, Pyecombe PCC
  • Tuesday 24th March, 5.30pm PCC Newtimber
  • Services for Holy Week ((30 March – 4th April) and Easter (5th April) are given on a separate flier of special services.


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456

Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559

Fulking Book Sale

Sunday, 8th March.

From 11.00am to 4.00pm.

At the Chapel in Fulking.

This is also open every Wednesday from 10.00-11.30pm.

Second hand bricks

Second hand bricks available free.

Approximate no of bricks 300 – 400.

Collection only.

Jill  01273 857125

Cuts to Fire & Rescue Service

West Sussex County Council plan to cut your Fire & Rescue Service again.

They know this will cost lives 
& increase property damage.    
Fire Engines and crews up until 2011

Fire Engines and crews from 2015

Result – longer travel times, more deaths, more injuries and more property damage across West Sussex

Crew availability is getting worse, so response times are increasing







Crew availability source – West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service

Source – Department for Communities & Local Government

Please tell the County Council this is unacceptable by signing the “Stop fire engine and firefighter cuts in West Sussex” petition.

Find it online here

Poynings Cricket Club Annual Quiz

Saturday March 28th

Preston Nomads Cricket Club at Fulking.

Poynings Cricket Club invite the people of Poynings to their highly popular Annual Quiz Fundraiser to be held at Preston Nomads CC in Fulking on Saturday March 28th.

£7.50 pp in teams of Six includes Supper.

To guarantee your team entry email Tim Cutress ( asap .

A great fun way for you and your friends to support your local Cricket Club.


Poynings Sloe Gin Contest

Poynings Sloe Gin and Homemade Liqueur Contest

Monday 23rd February 2015, 7pm at the Royal Oak, Poynings.

Judging at 8pm. £1.50 per entry.

Poynings Sloe Gin Cup for the best 2014 Sloe Gin made by a Poynings resident.  Poynings sloe gin

Prize for the best homemade liqueur made by a Poynings resident (2014/2015).

Should be a great night, don’t forget it’s also the Villagers night so you can have a main course for £6 and, if you are really going for it, a starter for £3 and a pudding for £3. It doesn’t get any better than that J.

And that’s not all!

There are prizes for the best homemade liqueur or sloe gin made by a resident of Fulking, Edburton, Newtimber, Saddlescombe, Pyecombe or Woodmancote (2014/2015).

Organised by Sheila Marshall

Fulking Book Sale

Sunday, 8th February.

From 11.00am to 4.00pm.

At the Chapel in Fulking.

This is also open every Wednesday from 10.00-11.30pm.

Church News Feb 2015

The Downland Churches – Church News

Holy Trinity Poynings,

St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe

February 2015


Sunday 1st February    Epiphany 4/ Candlemas    

    10am    Family Service w Baptism    Poynings
followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion
11am Family Communion              Edburton

Sunday 8th February      2nd before Lent

    10am Holy Communion         Newtimber

     6pm Evening Service             Pyecombe

Sunday 15th February         Next before Lent    

10am    Holy Communion            Poynings
am Family Communion        Edburton

Wednesday 18th February     Ash Wednesday

    7.30pm Holy Communion        Newtimber

Sunday 23rd February             Lent 1

    10am    Holy Communion            Pyecombe

Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber

Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday 2nd February, 3.30 – 5pm

The Royal Oak, Poynings


Sunday 1st February    Poynings     Hattie Gibb

Special events and dates this month


  • On Tuesday 17th February, we have a special meeting -open to all in the Benefice – with our new Archdeacon, the Venerable Fiona Windsor. She will share with us her experience of leading 14 rural parishes, and take questions which will we hope may inform our own future direction. Pangdean Farm, Pyecombe. 7.30pm.
  • Newtimber PCC meets on 24th February at 7.30pm.
  • Lent starts this month – Ash Wednesday is on 18th February, when there will be an evening service at Newtimber Church.
  • Lent Groups also start in February. Dates: 25th February; 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th March. As usual, we will be running a group in the afternoon and also in the evening for anyone out during the daytime. The afternoon group will be 2.30 – 4pm at Pangdean Farm, Pyecombe, and the evening group will be 8pm – 9.30pm at The Rectory, Poynings. Separate fliers will be available with the details and topic.
  • NSPCC event 28 February at Danny House, Hurstpierpoint – The TT singers- details see boards.
  • Advance notice – concert at Newtimber Church Saturday 7th March, The Vivace Singers at 7pm. Tickets from Shirley Murrell and others – see notices & fliers.


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456

Revd Graham Jeffery (Edburton) 01273 494559

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