Does anyone know of a good chainsaw technician in the area?
If so, contact Rob at
Jul 22
Does anyone know of a good chainsaw technician in the area?
If so, contact Rob at
Jul 19
First Responder Training & Defibrillator for Poynings
With a view to obtaining a Public Access Defibrillator for the village, Mike Airey has arranged to meet the Coordinator of the Henfield Area Response Team, (HART) for a coffee meeting at the Royal Oak Pub at 11am this Thursday, 23 July.
If you are available and interested in helping to support a bid to obtain a device for the village please let Mike know if you can attend.
It would be good if half a dozen or more villagers could be at this initial meeting.
If you would like to show your support but can’t make this Thursday, it would also be good to know.
Additionally, if you have, or would like to have, First Aid / First Responder training, please let Mike know so a picture can be built of help that may be available.
Mike can be contacted on 01273 857985 or e-mail
Jul 11
Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton
Jul 07
There is a Parish Council Meeting at the Village Hall on Tuesday 14th July at 7pm.
Agenda to be posted nearer the time.
Jul 07
Don’t forget the book sale in Fulking next Sunday, 11.00 to 4.00pm – Book Nook also open every Wednesday from 10.00 to 11.30am.
Jul 07
Could anyone throw any light on the missing board which has disappeared from the roundabout. It was there last Saturday – not on Sunday! It is the one Fulking put their Book Sale notices on.
Jun 30
Mid Sussex residents are striding ahead when it comes to taking part in sport. Latest figures released by the sports survey experts at Active People show Mid Sussex has the highest level of sports participation in the whole of Sussex.
Active People is the largest survey of sport and active recreation ever carried out in Europe. Results are tracked continuously online and are formally published twice per year in June and December.
The latest figures released this month show Mid Sussex is leading the way when it comes to sports participation in Sussex, with 41.3% of people taking part in sport at least once per week. This is a 1% increase since last year (40.2%), a 2.5% increase since the survey began in 2005/6 (38.9%) and way above the national average (35.5%). The data was collected from April 2014 to March 2015.
“Exercise can be incredibly powerful, helping you to feel great both physically and mentally, so it’s great that so many of our residents are regularly taking part in sporting activities,” said Councillor Pru Moore, Mid Sussex District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure and Sustainability.
Cllr Norman Webster, Cabinet Member for Health and Community adds: “Our Wellbeing team work with local people to increase sports participation right across Mid Sussex. They run low cost exercise classes to help people take the first steps to a healthier lifestyle, they visit community groups to provide older people with information on how to stay active for longer and they encourage people to try new sports by offering free taster sessions.
Cllr Pru Moore continues: “Providing local residents with opportunities to take part in sports and recreation is really important to us and we have some first-class leisure facilities in Mid Sussex. We have three excellent leisure centres, with one in each of our towns; we maintain local cricket grounds, community tennis courts and look after almost 70 football pitches for players of all ages. We also support local sports clubs through grant funding, allowing them to buy new equipment and improve their facilities.
“It’s obviously important to have accessible sports facilities nearby but it’s the enthusiasm of our residents that really bring them to life. A great deal of credit must go to all the people who are involved with local sports clubs, giving up their time to organise sporting activities for the whole community to enjoy.”
For more information on the Active People survey visit
Active People Survey results 2013-2015
2013/2014 |
2014/2015 |
Difference |
England |
36.1% |
35.5% |
-0.5% |
South East |
37.6% |
36.9% |
-0.6% |
Sussex |
36.5% |
35.2% |
-1.3% |
East Sussex |
34.6% |
34.4% |
-0.2% |
Brighton & Hove |
39.7% |
35.4% |
-4.3% |
Eastbourne |
33.7% |
36.6% |
+2.9% |
Hastings |
33.7% |
30.8% |
-2.9% |
Lewes |
34.5% |
34.2% |
-0.3% |
Rother |
31.9% |
31.0% |
-0.9% |
Wealden |
37.5% |
37.2% |
-0.4% |
West Sussex |
36.6% |
35.7% |
-0.9% |
Adur |
34.0% |
31.4% |
-2.5% |
Arun |
31.6% |
32.3% |
+0.8% |
Chichester |
36.1% |
33.4% |
-2.8% |
Crawley |
35.8% |
37.2% |
+1.4% |
Horsham |
40.4% |
39.8% |
-0.6% |
Mid Sussex |
40.2% |
41.3% |
+1.0% |
Worthing |
37.6% |
31.7% |
-5.9% |
To qualify as participating in sport, survey respondents must exercise, at moderate intensity, for 30 minutes on at least four days out of the last four weeks (equivalent to 30 minutes on one or more day a week). Recreational walking or cycling does not count.
Jun 25
Jun 25
The “MIDSUMMER STRING OCTET” will be giving a concert at NEWTIMBER CHURCH on Sunday July 5th. 2015. at 2.30pm. The professional musicians will perform a classical music programme, lasting one and a half hours with a short interval. We will then walk or take our cars to NEWTIMBER PLACE for a STRAWBERRY TEA and Punch. We will enjoy the lovely gardens and moat, finishing about 5.30pm.
Tickets at £20 for adults, £10 for children will include refreshments, and are available from Shirley Murrell Tel.01273 857353 or, with a cheque and s.a.e. to Rectory Cottage, Church Lane, Newtimber, Hassocks, BN6 9BT,
Lucy Dalrymple Tel. 01273 832009 or for credit card payment, and Gill Keith Tel. 01273 835013 or Cheques to be made out to “Newtimber PCC” please.
There will be free Parking in an adjacent field at both venues, and please bring you own folding chairs or blankets for the garden. There will probably be some seats available for those who arrive on the day.
Jun 24
West Sussex County Council
(Newtimber And Poynings) (Saddlescombe Road And Adjoining Roads) (Temporary Night Time Closure) Order 2015
NOTICE is hereby given that not less than 7 days from the date of this notice, West Sussex County Council intends to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to temporarily close Saddlescombe Road, Devils Dyke Road and High Beeches Lane in the parishes of Newtimber and Poynings.
The road closures are needed to allow the 2015 London to Brighton night time charity cycle ride to take place in safety.
The Order is expected to come into effect at 12.30am on 12 July 2015 and remain in place until 9am the same day.
During the operative periods of this Order, alternative routes for vehicles will be clearly indicated on site. Access to properties on the affected length of road will be maintained at all times.
Any queries about the effect of the Order on traffic using the highway should be directed to the West Sussex County Council Contact Centre, telephone number 01243 642105.
Dated this 25th day of June 2015
Director of Law, Assurance and Strategy, County Hall, Chichester.