A walk

Thursday June 12th. 2014 with The South Downs Society.


Lead by Brenda Mann and Shirley Murrell. 6 miles.

Meet at 10.30 am at Newtimber Church  Grid ref. 122 / 271134  for coffee / tea.

Walk up Wolstenbury Hill and to The Plough at Pyecombe for lunch, or bring a

picnic lunch.

Then walk to Saddlescombe and return to Newtimber by 3 pm.

Some steep hills but taken at an easy pace.

Church News may 2014

The Downland Churches

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe



May 2014


Sunday 4th May                 Easter 3

    10 am    Family Service        Poynings

    followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion

11am Family Communion     Edburton


Sunday 11th May              Easter 4

    10 am Holy Communion        Newtimber

     6 pm Evening Service        Pyecombe

with a speaker from Christian Aid


Sunday 18th May                 Easter 5

    10 am    Holy Communion        Poynings     11 am Family Communion    Edburton


Sunday 25th May             Easter 26

    10am    Holy Communion        Pyecombe


Thursday 29th May          Ascension Day

    7.30pm Holy Communion    Newtimber



Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber


Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday 12th May, 3.30 – 5pm
at D
ownside, Fulking

(home of Charmayne and Harry Diamond)



Sunday 4th May, 3pm Poynings Theodore Camber Crowther

Sunday 18th May, 2pm Pyecombe Aeva May Manning

                     Sophia Marie Keen



Sat, 3rd May Tom Kirkham & Beth Jefferson Poynings

Friday, 16th May Michael Culmer & Gaynor Finelly Newtimber

Sat, 17th May Bennett George & Emma Kelly Newtimber

Sat, 31st May Lydia Jenkins & Chris O’Reilly Poynings


Special events and dates this month


  • Sunday 4th May Plant and Flower Sale for Church funds. 2-4pm at The White House, Pyecombe. Cream teas, wine and raffle. 01273 846563.
  • Deanery Synod is on 6th May at Sayers Common. 7.15pm: Holy Communion, 8pm for the meeting.
  • 7th May 4.30 – 5.30pm, Deanery Prayer Group at The Rectory, Poynings.
  • On Thursday 8th May, our parishes will be prayed for in Chichester Cathedral at 8am and 5.30pm services. Tea in cloisters café for any wishing to attend.
  • At the Pyecombe evening service on 11th May, we have a guest speaker – Holly Sabin from Christian Aid – at this start of Christian Aid Week. Do come and hear her.
  • Wednesday 14th May, 7.30pm. Edburton PCC
  • Saturday 17th May there will be a special guided walk from Pyecombe Church to Lewes Priory. This links to their 750th anniversary and to our extension – ask for details.
  • Monday 19th May, 7.30pm Poynings PCC.


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456 c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559

Sheila’s Party band

9pm Friday April 25th, Royal Oak , Poynings


Fiddle And Squeeze


Fiddle, accordion and guitar 3 piece

Upbeat folk songs and tunes from Europe and beyond (Seen/heard at Sheila’s party)



Drumming & Percussion Group

Drumming & Percussion Group on Sunday 27th April

with West Sussex Music tutor Steve Morley

Poynings Village Hall from 2pm – 3.30pm


 Relaxed music-making for adults based on traditional West African djembe rhythms – no experience is necessary!

 A diverse range of percussion instruments will be provided but do bring your own drum if you have one. 



Call Steve on 01273 857590 to book a place or for more information

Fulking Wine Quiz

Call my Bluff wine quiz

Friday 25 July 7 for 7.30pm

Wines by Quaff and nibbles in the marquee Downside Meadow

Clappers Lane.

Tables of 8 – £15 a head

Information and bookings from Bob Rowland (857271)

Fulking Fair

Sunday 27 July.

Noon until 5pm.

Downside Meadow, Poynings Road. Fulking.

Admission £1 adults, children under 14 free.

Live music.



Cream teas.


Ferret racing,

Pony rides.

Bouncy Castle.


The renowned Sheila Marshall with her puppets.


Childrens games.

Homemade cakes.

Country craft stalls and much much more!

Lambs Meeting (Mayfield project)

11th April 2014 



 MONDAY, 28th APRIL from 7pm

Dear LAMBS supporter,

Please help our dedicated team!

It is now nearly six months since our seven mile yellow ribbon and during that time the LAMBS campaign has grown into a formidable fighting force.

HOWEVER, we have now reached the point at which our existing team is no longer large enough to continue this progression… and we need your help! 

We need to increase our ranks in order to raise more money and to raise the campaign to the next level.

We are holding an open meeting for anyone who is interested in assisting us with our fund raising and/or becoming more involved in LAMBS. We are very keen to meet anyone who can offer any specific expertise which could help in the campaign.  The kind of skills we need include: fund raising, legal, planning, financial, administrative, printing/publication etc…

If you have no specific expertise in these areas, but have some spare time then please still come along – we also need people who are prepared to write letters, deliver leaflets and man stalls at local events.  

Please join us from 7pm on Monday, 28th April at The Royal Oak, Wineham. We would be grateful if you could let us know by email if you are coming to allow us to cater for numbers.

If you are interested in helping us but are unable to attend the meeting please email us with your telephone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible –  lambsorg@gmail.com

This expansion is vital to the increasing success of LAMBS so please help if you can.

Thank you


Poynings Newsletter

Hopefully you have received your Poynings newsletter by now, but if you haven’t or you have lost it (shame on you) or you live outside the village you can download it on the link below.

Thank you Sheila for putting it together (so I can nick bits off it)

Poynings News Spring 2014

You can get the last one here

Don’t forget the Newtimber open Garden this weekend (So much to do) more details here

Rushfields 30th Anniversary

This year is our 30th year at Rushfields and to celebrate we are have a bit of a do this weekend the 12th & 13th April.


There will be an amazing 30% off all plants, along with discounts on various products across the store!


Also there will be a bee keeper with a hive of bees that can be viewed through a glass panel, he will be able to answer all questions relating to bee keeping and the many products that can be made from the honey.


We have a chiropractor from Falcon Health to tell you how to treat or avoid pulls and strains caused by over doing it in the garden.


We will be giving free tastings of award winning products in our farm shop and for the children there will free face painting and glitter tattoos.


Finally the Martlets hospice will be holding a raffle.


See you there.


Saddlescombe Lambing

Lambing Open Days – 12th & 13th April 2014


Why not come along to one of our lambing open days at Saddlescombe Farm in West Sussex to meet our sheep flock . . . and if you are lucky, see a lamb being born!

There will be lots to see and do, from newborn lambs, learning about sheep production, to straw bale climbing and delicious local refreshments.

Time – 10am – 3pm
Cost – Adults £6, Children £3, Family (2 adults, 2 children under 16) £15 – Cash only please
Where – Saddlescombe Farm, Saddlescombe Road, Brighton, BN45 7DB
Booking – No need to book, just turn up!

Wear your wellies

Pregnant women are advised not to visit the lambing barn and yards.
No dogs please. Please note, the National Trust farm buildings will not be open for viewing.

If you would like to order some lamb or a sheepskin rug to collect on the day please contact us or visit our online shop

We look forward to welcoming you.

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