Christmas Church Services

Sunday 16th December        Third Sunday in Advent

10am Family Communion                Poynings

11.30am Family Communion                Edburton

6pm Carol service with mince pies and mulled wine    Edburton

Sunday 23rdth December    Fourth Sunday in Advent

10am Holy Communion                    Pyecombe

2.30 pm Carol Service by candlelight with mince pies    Newtimber

6pm Carol service with mince pies and mulled wine    Poynings

Monday 24th December        Christmas Eve

Crib Service 3.30                    Poynings

11.30pm Midnight Mass                Pyecombe

Tuesday 25th December        Christmas Day

10am Family Communion                Poynings

Local Art gifts – Special Local Discount

There’s a special Christmas offer for villagers.

Gatwick Airport Expansion

Gatwick Airport plans to expand its capacity from one to potentially three runways.


The Airport has just released a Master Plan which is out for consultation until 10th January. You can find the Masterplan online at:


The airport is consulting on three scenarios:


  1. increasing capacity on its current runway
  2. using the standby/emergency runway in combination with the current runway
  3. safeguarding land to meet its long term ambition of an additional runway, in combination with the above.


This means that Gatwick could become a three runway airport.


The impact of this on the Sussex countryside would be enormous, not just the additional noise and light pollution from an increased number of flights, but also a rise in local air pollution and congestion from increased passenger and freight movements. Local Councils would be expected to plan for additional housing and infrastructure to accommodate new workers, despite the fact that many councils are already facing a massive hike in housing targets from Government.


This would be very damaging for the Sussex countryside. The State of Nature 2016 report shows more than half (56%) of UK species studied are already in decline, while more than one in ten species are under threat of disappearing from our shores altogether. We must get the right balance between economic growth and protecting the natural environment.


We have already OBJECTED to these plans but we need your help too. Please act now and add your voice and respond to the consultation today.  Share this with your neighbours, family and friends. 


More information about how to respond can be found on our website:


Thank you for helping us to protect the Sussex countryside.


Kia Trainor





CPRE Sussex Branch CIO, Brownings Farm, Blackboys, East Sussex TN22 5HG

Tel: 01825 890975  Registered Charity Number 1156568


We exist to promote the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of rural England by encouraging the sustainable use of land and other natural resources in town and country.


Follow us on Facebook: and Twitter: @cpresussex

Join us! Or donate:



Poynings Pantomime January 2019

As you may know, Poynings Pantomime is all set for another amazing performance in January.

Going back to the first one, “Cinderella”

However, one more member of the cast is needed urgently. The Baron, beleaguered father of Cinderella and owner of Hard-up Hall.

It is not a huge part but pivotal to the story line (yes, believe it or not there is a story line!).

So, if you are interested in being part of the story and having some fun let me know, or Sandra at


Pyecombe Winter Fayre 24th November 2018

Come,  join us and help support Pyecombe’s New Event.

We have many new stalls offering gifts and crafts. Pangdean’s favourites, quiches, meringues & sausages rolls. Freshly made soups with artisan bread and delicious home made cakes.

Newtimber Church has a table with cleverly arranged decoration displays. You can also buy the new Downland 2019’s Calendar.

There’s our famous £100 Grand Draw and some old favourites: quality bric-a-brac, books, toys.

Come and have lunch, have a browse, order your Christmas wreaths in your colour choice, and much much more!

Bob’s Café – This Friday – Don’t forget

Don’t forget this Friday 16th

‘After School Club’

Bob’s Café –  4pm.

£2.50 Meal Deal

Board games, colouring etc. Loads to do!

Sussex Police funding 2018-2022

Sussex Police have started the biggest intake of new police officers for over a decade. This has been made possible by the increase in police precept of an average £12 for a band D property, and the PCC releasing £17 million from reserves. It means that over the next four years, Sussex will have 200 more police officers on the frontline than it does today.


Although residents are pleased to hear that local policing will be strengthened by these 200 extra officers, they are already indicating  that they would like even more. That is why the PCC has opened a survey on her website to gauge potential support for raising more funding locally if the Government lifts the current cap on the police precept.


Please take a moment to make your views  known on this link


You can find out more about  funding for Sussex Police 2018-22 here:

Defibrillator Training – This Saturday

Poynings Village Hall

This Saturday – 17 November 2pm




Defibrillator and CPR training.




Henfield Area Response Team

Free Training provided by HART

Mike Airey

Tel: 01273 857985

New Councillor Co-Opted

The Parish Council are now up to a full strength of five councillors. 
At the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 6 November it was decided that Nigel Evans of Glebe Cottage, The Street, Poynings, be co-opted to the council.


Nigel joins Councillors: Mike Airey, Sheila Marshall, Mathew Cutress and Jan Nichols.


Messages to the Parish Council can be sent to the Clerk, Colin Warburton:  

or his address; Hideaway Cottage, Poynings Road, Poynings, BN45 7AP.  Telephone 01273 857024.


Mike Airey, Chairman.  

Christmas Bin Collection Times

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