National Rural Crime Survey

Rural residents are being urged to have their say in a major new survey about crime in the countryside.

The National Rural Crime Survey aims to determine the true personal, social and economic cost of rural crime and anti-social behaviour across the country.

The last survey took place in 2015, when 13,000 people responded to give their impressions of crime and anti-social behaviour.

The results revealed the cost of rural crime to the country was significant – around £800m every year.

In response to this, and following a meeting involving more than 100 stakeholders, North Yorkshire Police’s Rural Taskforce was established in April 2016.

Questions in the 2018 National Rural Crime Survey cover a range of issues – from whether people report crimes to the impact anti-social behaviour has on rural life.

The survey also asks whether respondents believe enough is done to catch offenders.

The National Rural Crime Network brings together Police and Crime Commissioners, police forces and organisations that play a key role in rural communities.

Network chairman Julia Mulligan said: “I hope that everyone living or working in a rural community will spare a few minutes to complete our survey.

“It will provide a clear picture of what has improved, what challenges remain and what more government, police forces and other organisations can do to support the most isolated areas of our county.

The survey is open for submissions until Sunday 10 June. It is available at

Get £250 towards a Silver Sunday celebration


Mid Sussex District Council is offering grants of £250 to help local groups host fun events for older people as part of Silver Sunday 2018.


Silver Sunday is a national celebration of older people and their contribution to communities. This year Silver Sunday is on 7 October and Mid Sussex District Council is encouraging local people to show their support by organising an enjoyable activity for people over the age of 65.

The Council is offering grants of £250 to any group that would like to organise a Silver Sunday event this year. The offer is available to all, from large charities right through to small community groups who would like to show their appreciation for their older neighbours.

The opportunities for Silver Sunday activities are endless. Dance lessons, a theatre trip, museum tour or simply a coffee morning, a Silver Sunday event really can be anything as long as it brings older residents together.

Silver Sunday is an annual day of fun and free activities for older people across the UK. Led by The Sir Simon Milton Foundation, it celebrates the value and knowledge they contribute to our communities while combating loneliness and isolation. Everyone can get involved, whether that’s organising an event, spreading the word, or simply attending an activity.


To apply for a grant simply complete an online application form at and submit it by Saturday 30 June 2018. For further information contact Regina Choudhury, MSDC Community Development Officer on 01444 477495 or email

Fulking Book Sale

Don’t forget that the monthly book sale at the chapel in Fulking is Sunday, March 11th from 11.00am to 4.00pm – loads of books to browse through.

All profits to Edburton Church.


Many thanks.


Brighton Festival Chorus

Not in Poynings but has a Poynings resident or two in the Choir

Saturday 31st March

Next Poynings Parish Council Meeting

2nd March 2018

Please note change of venue.

The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council to be held upstairs in the Royal Oak on Tuesday 6th March 2018 at 7pm due to weather conditions


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. MSDC and WSCC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for Jan and Feb
  7. Planning applications
    Orchard Cottage, Dyke Lane, Poynings, Brighton, West Sussex, BN45 7AA. Notification of intention to remove hedges and trees. Decision.
  8. MSDC Garden Party Nomination
  9. Annual Parish Meeting
  10. Footpaths
  11. Insurance
    1. Items for Next month’s Agenda
  12. Dates of Next Month’s Meeting

Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton

Free IT sessions for over 60’s

Over 60’s can come along and ask for help with anything, from how to order their weekly shop online, to using Skype, online applications, e-mailing, or learning how to use their smartphone etc. Anything I.T. related!

Sloe Gin Night 2018



Monday 5 February

Royal Oak Poynings (Village Night)

*Table reservations advisable

Entries in by 8pm (a jam jar will do)

£1.50 per entry (2017/2018 fruit only)

Poynings -Sloe Gin Cup and prize for best liqueur


Neighbouring villages – Newtimber, Fulking,

Woodmancote, Pyecombe.

Prizes for best sloe gin/liqueur.

Defib training

The HART team from Henfield, are coming to St Andrews church, on Sun 4th Feb, after Graham’s 11am service, at 12.30pm. They are going to demonstrate CPR & how to use the De Fib, which we now have at the church.
Everyone is welcome, turn up at 11am for the service, or 12.15pm. onwards for the session.
Best wishes

Pyecombe Quiz Night


Wednesday 7th February


Pangdean Farm

Pyecombe, BN45 7FJ

Arrive 7 for a 7.30 start

Entrance £7 per person, includes 1 drink and nibbles

For tickets or to secure your table contact:

Karen Lewis on 01273 857013 M:07818568999

Prizes for 1st three winners

Maximum 6 per team

Raffle tickets and prizes on sale during the evening

Proceeds from the evening will go to Pyecombe Church


The next meeting of Poynings Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 7pm.



  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. MSDC and WSDC
  5. Public Participation
  6. Expenditure for Nov and Dec
  7. Planning applications – None
  8. Budget for 2018 – 2019
  9. Church/Parish Tables
  10. Cemetery Shed
  11. Co-Opt councillor discussion
  12. Old Folks Christmas Party
  13. Insurance
    1. Items for Next month’s Agenda
  14. Dates of Next Year’s Meetings


Clerk to the Council
Mr Colin Warburton

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