Poynings Parish Council Planning Meeting

There is a Poynings Parish Council Planning Meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 27th October 2015 at 7pm.

Planning applications

Dyke Farmhouse The Street Poynings Brighton West Sussex BN45 7AQ

Wish to remove chimney which lies behind the kitchen and is attached to victorian extension. Would help on the refurbishment of kitchen if we could remove the chimney and therefore remove the breast of the kitchen.



Arden Cottage The Street Poynings Brighton West Sussex BN45 7AQ

New dwelling in rear garden of property in style of chalet bungalows



Rose Cottage Mill Lane Poynings West Sussex BN45 7AE

Application for the demolition of the existing dwelling and proposed replacement dwelling.


Rushfields Plant Centre Henfield Road Poynings West Sussex BN45 7AY
Construction of overflow car park




Free NHS health checks for men this Movember


Movember, the hairiest month of the year, is almost here and the Mid Sussex Wellbeing team is encouraging local men to use the charity event as a time to take stock of their health.

Gender is one of the strongest and most consistent predictors of health and life expectancy. For men, this is not good news because on average men die six years earlier than women.

Each November, men around the world grow moustaches to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health issues.
Each moustache acts as a walking billboard for men’s health, giving men a constant reminder of how important it is to take their health and wellbeing seriously.

The Movember charity is committed to men living happier, healthier, longer lives; goals that are shared by the Mid Sussex Wellbeing team. To show their support, the Wellbeing team is offering free NHS health checks to men aged 40-74 throughout Movember, helping men in Mid Sussex to get a full picture of their current state of health.

The free NHS health checks take just 20-30, minutes, are run by trained health professionals and can help men get on the right path to a healthy future by spotting potential health problems at an early stage. Everybody who takes part will receive a blood pressure check, a cholesterol measurement, and will have their BMI (Body Mass Index) calculated by measuring height and weight. After the health check there will be an opportunity to discuss the results with a trained Wellbeing Advisor, who will provide personalised advice on how to lower the risk of future problems and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Men who are not eligible for an NHS health check can book a free Wellbeing MOT, a non-medical check that includes everything except the cholesterol and blood pressure test.

“When it comes to their health, too many men don’t talk, don’t take action and die too young,” said Councillor Norman Webster, Cabinet Member for Health and Community.

“To create a relaxed and informal environment, our free NHS health checks take place away from clinics, so you can feel more comfortable discussing any health and wellbeing concerns you may have.


“It’s important to act now because many health conditions that affect men in later life can be prevented or managed by identifying the risk and making small lifestyle changes at an early stage. Making an appointment is simple and a check takes less than 30 minutes to complete so there’s no excuse, book in today and take control of your future.”

For more information about the Wellbeing Service and to book an appointment go to www.midsussexwellbeing.org.uk or telephone 01444 477191.

Road Closure




poynings road, poynings


NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of

Poynings Road, Poynings, between The Street to approx. 50m south of the junction with Mill Lane, is temporarily prohibited from M onday 2nd November 2015.

This closure is necessary to allow installation of new ducting and power supply to a British Telecom cabinet.

It is anticipated the works will be completed in 5 days.

Emergency and Residential Vehicular access to be managed by the contractor
and will be phased to ensure access. Pedestrian access to be maintained at all times.

The alternative route for traffic will be signed on site via Poynings Road, Saddlescombe Road, Poynings Road and vice versa.

This notice will be effective for a maximum of 5 days from the date given above.

Any queries about the effect of the closure on traffic using the highway please contact the West Sussex Contact Centre on 01243 642105.

Any queries about the nature of the works please contact Hire-A-Lite (on behalf of BT) on 0844 332 9009.

Nicola Debnam

Head of Highways and Transport.


Note from Colin.
The sign in the village says to the 16th, this is wrong, it should be the 6th.
The roadworks are roughly from Mill Lane to Manor Farm.

Don’t Forget the Church Meeting

Changes to our Church building – come and see what is proposed.

Tomorrow, Saturday 17th October, at 10.30 in the church.

Poynings Bonfire Night

Poynings Bonfire & Fireworks
The torch procession and Guy will be leaving the Royal Oak at approximately 6.25 on Sat Nov 7th.

The lighting of the bonfire and amazing fireworks will follow.

Please give very very generously on the gate.

Hot food & Drink by Sussex Four Wheel Drive in aid of  Ye Olde Villagers Christmas Dinner. Mulled Wine only £3.00 glass Hog roast with stuffing and Apple sauce only £5

You can take material to the bonfire 9am-5pm Oct 17th – 1st Nov

It must be taken to the bonfire site, not left on the forecourt Clean burning material only – No tyres, plastic metal etc

Bonfire Flyer

Events at Edburton, Newtimber, Pyecombe, Fulking

Dear all Friends of St Andrew’s Edburton

  •  Please come and join us at our Annual Harvest Festival Service next Sunday, October 18th at 11.00am. As in previous years there will be a picnic following the service giving us all a chance to socialise in our beautiful church. This costs £6.50 and must be ordered in advance – all further details are in the attachment, and we hope you will be able to come. Click on this link for details.  Edburton Harvest Festival
  • Traditional Songs of the Sussex Downs and Coast is the title of a concert at Newtimber Church next Saturday – further details of this are on the benefice website www.downlandchurches.co.uk
  •  On OCTOBER 29th,  at 2.30pm in the Village Hall, there is a talk by Leonard Holder on Selina of Sussex who lived at Perching Manor Farm at the turn of the last century. Please read the attachment for more details of what promises to be a fascinating talk. Admission is free and donations are invited towards the Village Hall Fund.  Click on this link for details.  Selina of Sussex 1818-1886
  •  There is another Downland Celebration on November 14th in Pyecombe Church when therre will be talks, music and refreshments. Click on this link for details.Pyecombe Downland Celebration
  • Our Annual Quiz will be held on November 27th at Preston Nomads’ Pavilion Fulking. There will be more details about this later – but tables of four, at £7.50 per person, are already being booked, so if you would like to join us email StAndrewsEdburton@yahoo.co.uk or phone 07812-465-559


  • Our ‘Thought for the Month’ Calendar for 2016 – please see attachment for more details. This features some of Graham’s lovely drawings so if you haven’t yet bought a calendar for next year please consider buying ours. If you want more details, or would like to buy directly from us, email or phone as above. They are also for sale at church services throughout the benefice. Click on this link for details. calendar description

We hope to see you at some of our happenings and events – if you want to come for the Harvest Picnic please could you let us know by Thursday night – Friday is shopping day.

With all good wishes from the PCC at Edburton


Harvest Festival Sunday 4th October

Don’t forget it is the harvest Festival at Holy Trinity Church, Poynings tomorrow Sunday 4th October.

10 am, followed by Holy communion.

Bring produce, tins, gifts, money etc.

Refreshments afterwards.

Downland Churches News

The Downland Churches

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe


October 2015

Sunday 4th October      Harvest/Trinity 18

10 am     Harvest Family Service     Poynings
followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion
11am Family Communion               Edburton

Sunday 11th October     Harvest/ Trinity 19

10 am Harvest Festival                   Newtimber 

 6 pm Harvest Evening Service      Pyecombe

Sunday 18th October     Harvest/ St Luke

 10 am    Holy Communion             Poynings
am Family Communion            Edburton
followed by a Harvest Picnic

Sunday 25th October         Last after Trinity

10 am    Holy Communion             Pyecombe



Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber

Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday 5th October, 3.30 – 5pm
at Customary Cottage, Fulking (the home of Tim Stace)

Thanksgiving for Marriage

Sunday, 11th October     Lee and Katie Salvidge     Edburton

Special events and dates this month

  • Friday 2nd October, 7.30pm Old Time Music Hall singalong at Edburton Church, with bangers and mash.
  • Tuesday 6th October, 2- 4pm, please support the Afternoon Tea Dance at The Scouts HQ in Hurstpierpoint – tickets £5 in aid of Family Social Work. Tel Wendy on 01273 834464
  • Study Groups continue until 21st October on a Wednesday at The Rectory. NB evening group now starts at 7.30pm.
  • A further course will run on a Tuesday evening from 20th October for the Deanery led by Caroline. This will cover different types of Christian Spirituality, and has been written by The University of Chichester with the Diocese. Please see flier for further details and how to book.
  • October is the month for Harvest services – see overleaf. For Edburton’s Harvest picnic, please get your tickets from Jane Warne or via the website following St Andrews links.
  • October 11th is also Apple Day in Poynings – bring fruit to The Village Hall to be pressed – lots of apple activities to enjoy. See village website (www.poynings.net) for details.
  • Messy Church at Fulking meets 16th October 4.30 pm – 6pm. Then 20th November and 11th December.
  • On Saturday 17th October we will enjoy an evening of traditional songs of the Sussex Downs and Coast at Newtimber Church. Tel 01273 832009 or 835013.
  • 29th October, 2.30pm talk about the history of the village and church in Fulking Village Hall.
  • A Quiet Day will be held at St Peter’s Woodmancote on 31st October – all welcome – contact Henfield clergy.
  • All Souls service 6pm on Sunday 1st November at Poynings

Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456 c.currer@btinternet.com

Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559



Sunday 11th October Village Hall


Apple Pressing


Pressing starts at 11.30am.

Have your apples pressed at 50p per litre.

Bring containers or buy 1 litre bottles – 25p


Best Apple Cake Competition


Entries 11.00am -1.00pm Village Hall (£1.00 per entry) Judging 1.00pm – 2.00 pm (followed by trophy presentation) Open to Poynings, Fulking and Newtimber residents.


Music from ‘Sold As Seen’


Refreshments, Stalls, Apple Bobbing,

Toffee Apples in aid of various charities and events.


Enquiries Sheila 01273 857482

Poynings Church Open meeting

There is to be an open meeting in the church on Saturday, 17th October, at 10.30 am.

Changes are proposed for our lovely church, mainly to make the south transept (St Mary’s chapel off to the right as you go down the church aisle) a better space for community as well as church purposes. The plan is to make it warmer, to display our heritage better and to have a ‘tea-point’. Do come and hear all about what is proposed and to give your views.

If you cannot come to the meeting and are keen to know more and have your say, please contact Alan or Caroline Currer at The Rectory (857456).

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