Causeway Update

Don’t forget we need volunteers to clear the edges of the path from the Oak to Pond Bay on Sunday 27th September 3pm-5pm. (THIS SUNDAY)

Meet outside the Royal Oak 3pm. We will start at the bottom and work our way to the pub.

Bring a spade, or borrow mine J

Shouldn’t take long if there are enough people (fit ones J)

email me, or Debs. (, or Caius.

Removals and Garden Maintenance

Britshift Removals and Clearances. Friendly reliable service. Call Steven on 07711430585 or email

Greenheart garden maintenance, clearance and household DIY .  07711430585.

Causeway Path Clearance

Anyone fancy volunteering to clear the edges of the path from the Oak to Pond Bay on Sunday 27th September 3pm-5pm.

Meet outside the Royal Oak 3pm. We will start at the bottom and work our way to the pub.

Bring a spade, or borrow mine J

Shouldn’t take long if enough people (fit ones J)

Ring or email me, or Debs on 07718 206682. (, or Caius.

Too many apples?

Breaking news

Get your apples pressed in Poynings – Sunday afternoon October 11th.

Enquiries –



(no title)

The South Downs National Park Authority published their South Downs Local Plan: Preferred Options for consultation on 2nd September for public consultation. As part of the consultation we are holding a series of public drop in sessions. These sessions will allow members of the public to drop in, see what is in the plan and ask questions of planning officers. The first public drop in session was held last night in Lewes for the East Sussex part of the National Park. Whilst the turnout at the event was good, we did receive a lot of feedback from the public, and some parish councillors that they were not aware of the public roadshows.

To ensure that the public roadshows are publicised can I ask that forward details of these roadshows to your Councillors and ask that they promote the events to neighbours and others in your parish wherever possible. The SDNPA have sent out packs of posters and leaflets to all parish councils, but some of these packages do not appear to have arrived with the Parish Councils, and therefore the publicity material has not gone out in the parish. I have had some parish councils confirm receipt of this material (Posters and Postcards) but not all, so im sending this email to make sure the parish councils are aware of the public roadshows.

More information on the roadshows and the public consultation can be found on our website by following this link


    • Park wide –      10:00-15:00 Sat 12 Sept South Downs Centre, Midhurst GU29 9DH
    • Hampshire –    15:00-20:00 Mon 14 Sept Greatham Village Hall GU33 6EY
    • 15:00-20:00 Mon 21 Sept Meonstoke Village Hall SO32 3NP
    • West Sussex    15:00-20:00 Wed 16 Sept Arundel Town Hall BN18 9AP

Thank you for your help with this


Kind regards

South Downs Centre

Chris Paterson

Communities Lead

South Downs National Park Authority


Tel: 01730 819286 | Mobile: 07889 280029

South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH

Downland Churches News

The Downland Churches

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe

September 2015

Sunday 6th September                    Trinity 14

10 am Family Service               Poynings
followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion

11am Family Communion        Edburton 

Sunday 13th September                  Trinity 15

10 am Holy Communion          Newtimber

6 pm Evening Service            Pyecombe

 Sunday 20th September                   Trinity 16

10 am Holy Communion          Poynings

11 am   Family Communion     Edburton

Sunday 27th September                   Trinity 17

10 am Holy Communion          Pyecombe

Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber

(for the over 60’s)

Monday 7th September, 3.30 – 5pm at Dyke Farmhouse, Poynings (the home of John and Nigs Digby)


Sat, 12 Sept     Tom Bravington & Mima Sinclair      Edburton

Sat, 19 Sept     Katie Clarke & Andy Woodward        Edburton

Sat, 26 Sept     Thomas Faith & Sarah Bareham           Edburton


Monday, 7th Sept       Valerie Farncombe                    Pyecombe

Sunday, 20 Sept     Theo Thomas Alexander Leach   Poynings


Special events and dates this month

    • Wednesday 2nd September at 11am, Sue’s Open Garden at Pangdean, with a light lunch – please let Ian Currie know if you can be there (01273 841670).
    • Study Groups will be starting in September, for 6 weeks from Weds 16th September. We will be using the Pilgrim Course, based on our baptismal promises. Please note later start date than previously advertised. Fliers with further details and all dates are available. Lively discussion of some key issues is anticipated! At the Rectory.
    • Friday, 25th September, 10.30-1ish at Pyecombe Church: ‘The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’ in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support: details from Jean Wilkins.
    • Messy Church at Fulking meets 25th Sept 4.30 pm – 6pm. Then 16th October, 20th November and 11th December.
    • Edburton PCC: Tuesday 29 Sept, 7.30pm, The Rectory.
  • A further course will run on a Tuesday evening from 20th October for the Deanery led by Caroline. This will cover different types of Christian Spirituality, and has been written by The University of Chichester with the Diocese. Please ask for further details and how to book.
  • Clergy contact details:
    Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge
    Tel 01273 857456


  • Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559

Footpath Closure



Road Traffic Regulation Act Temporary Closure Notice


NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14 (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, the use of:

POYNINGS: PUBLIC BRIDLEWAY NO. 13P as shown on the map below.

The path closure is necessary to protect public safety whilst surfacing works are undertaken

Use is temporarily prohibited with effect from 1st September 2015.

Unfortunately there are no alternative routes available using the public rights of way network.

This Notice will be effective for 21 days from the date given above and will be followed by a further closure.

Contact telephone numbers: Public Rights of Way Team (WSCC) (01243) 777620 Click on link for more details:  Footpath closure

Galvanised sheep hurdles

Galvanised sheep hurdles for sale £10 o.n.o have about 14.
hurdlesPhone 07711430585


Poynings Fun Day – Please Read

Unfortunately, due to the weather forecast (RAIN), it has been decided to cancel the Village fun day.

Pass this on to anyone you think might be going.

Poynings Fun Day

Don’t forget – POYNINGS FUN DAY – Mon 31 August 2015


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