Seedling Sunday – Fulking

11th May 11am – 3pm


Plants and seedlings for sale or swap and, of course tea, coffee and cakes.

Sussex Police News

Sergeant’s Message

 You will have noticed that we have had an increase in thefts of number plates from parked vehicles. There has been eight in Burgess Hill and two in Hassocks so far this year. We are looking into this crime series and as yet, there is no evidence that the number plates are being used in the commission of crime. Your help is needed in identifying the culprits. Please be vigilant and report any suspicious sightings of persons or vehicles in your communities

Kind Regards,

Sergeant Izzy Lee

News, Advice and Appeals

 Police ‘Do Not Donut’ message after bolney driving conviction – A Lancing man has been convicted of careless driving after police spotted him ‘donuting’ at a busy Bolney roundabout. More Information

 Number plates screws – anti theft number plates screws are available from Police Station front offices

 Crime Update

If you have seen or heard anything related to these incidents please contact  Sussex Police here, email, call 101 or contact Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


Monday 24th to Sunday 30th March






St Andrews



The Kiln – A theft of a Caddy 640 trailer from a back garden of a property




Royal George Road – Stolen 3ft concrete gold statue from a properties front garden

Town Centre and Meeds



Cyprus Road – A Business had been broken into over night, two electrical items and cash was stolen



St Johns Road – A vehicle had its offside wing mirror damage




Colwood Lane – Break in to a property via a downstairs bathroom – a safe stolen





Packham Way – A vehicle had both front and rear number plates stolen overnight



Stonefield Way – A vehicle had both front and rear number plates stolen overnight



The Pound – A vehicle had both front and rear number plates stolen overnight



St Wilfrids Road – A cycle and accessories was stolen from a insecure shed




Badger Close – A vehicle has had both front and rear number plates stolen overnight

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common



New Way Lane – A vehicle was broken into while in a car park and had a black bag with Iphone and cash stolen which was left on view



Western Road – A van was broken into overnight and power tools were stolen




Stammers Hill – A campervan was broken into overnight and telescope and power tool was stolen


Not sure how to find us online, want to comment on our updates? Email:

 This message was sent by NPT Co-Ordinator Mark Hutchinson

Contact us online or call101 when it’s less urgent than 999

Church News April 2014

The Downland Churches

Holy Trinity Poynings, St Andrew’s, Edburton

St John the Evangelist, Newtimber

The Transfiguration, Pyecombe


April 2014


Sunday 6th April         Passion Sunday/ Lent 5

    10 am    Family Service        Poynings

    followed at 11.15 by Holy Communion

11am Family Communion     Edburton


Sunday 13th April          Palm Sunday

    10 am Holy Communion        Newtimber

     6 pm Evening Service        Pyecombe


Thursday 17th April     Maundy Thursday

7.30 pm    Holy Communion        Poynings


Friday 18th April              Good Friday

    12 noon Reflection            Pyecombe


Sunday 20th April                 Easter Day

     8 am    Holy Communion        Newtimber    

    10 am    Holy Communion        Poynings     11 am Family Communion    Edburton

    11.30 am Easter egg hunt with

     12 noon Children’s service    Pyecombe    


Sunday 27th April                Easter 2

    10am    Holy Communion        Pyecombe


Morning and Evening Prayer each week

At 9am on Wednesdays at Poynings

At 6pm: Mondays (Edburton),Wednesdays (Pyecombe)

At 5pm: Tuesdays at Newtimber

Evergreens (for the over 60’s)

Monday 7th April, 3.30 – 5pm

The Paddock, Fulking (home of Ian and Jill Malby)


Special events and dates this month


  • Monday 7th April, 21 Mill Close, Poynings, 7pm for 7.30pm – a meeting to plan the Poynings Fete
  • Tuesday 8th April, 2-4pm Hymn choosing meeting at The Rectory.


In April, we have three services of dedication:

  • Friday 4th April North Town Field, Fulking, we will dedicate a bench to the memory of Lucie Robinson;
  • Sunday 6th April, at Poynings after the morning service, we will dedicate a bench in the churchyard to the memory of Mike Peters, former warden;
  • Sunday 27th April at 2.30pm at Newtimber, a service of blessing and dedication of the new facilities.


It is also the month for Church Annual Meetings:

  • Poynings 31st March 7pm, Village Hall Poynings
  • Pyecombe 14th April 7.30pm, in Pyecombe Church
  • Edburton 16th April 7pm, Village Hall Fulking
  • Newtimber 30th April 7pm, in Newtimber Church

All welcome to elect church-wardens and PCC members.

A special thank you to all who are standing down this year after years of service.


Lent Study groups : ‘Encountered’

continue on Wednesdays 2nd and 9th April. Afternoons (2.30 – 4pm) at The Paddock, Fulking (with thanks to Jill and Ian Malby). Evenings 8 – 9.30pm at The Rectory. All welcome.


Clergy contact details:

Revd Dr Caroline Currer, Priest-in-Charge

Tel 01273 857456

Revd Graham Jeffery (mainly Edburton) 01273 494559

Illegal off-Roading

Call 101 to help stop illegal off-roading in the countryside

People witnessing illegal or anti-social off-road driving on paths in the countryside are being called on to report it to the police using the new 101 phone number.

Sussex Pathwatch is a special service set up to help protect the safety of everyone using rights-of-way, fields and woodland to prevent the damage that illegal offroading can cause. A similar service called Countrywatch has been set up in Hampshire. Anyone can report an offence by calling 101 or emailing in Sussex and in Hampshire.

Angela Ward, ranger for the South Downs National Park, said:

“Most people driving off-road do so legally and with consideration for other people. Unfortunately there are a small minority driving illegally. They put everyone’s safety at risk, give legal drivers a bad name and cause damage to the countryside.

“That’s why we’re working with the Police and local authorities on this scheme. If illegal off-roading isn’t reported then the police can’t take any action.”

Just one example of Pathwatch success was in a case of illegal off-road motorcycling on a Site of Special Scientific interest near Small Dole in West Sussex. The site, which holds three nationally rare habitats and supports a rich community of rare butterflies and moths, was blighted by off-road motorcyclists who had even brought in equipment to dig tracks. Following calls from the public, Sussex Police were able to catch them in the act and serve notice – meaning that if they reoffend in the next 12 months their vehicle will be impounded and possibly crushed. This led to the activity stopping.

Angela added:

“Off-roading can be great fun so if you want advice on how to do it legally speak to the Land Access and Recreation Association, the Trials Rider Fellowship or ask us on Twitter @SussexPathwatch or Facebook.”

Find out more about Countrywatch at or Sussex Pathwatch at

Holy Trinity Church Annual General Meeting

Poynings Parishioners!

On Monday 31st Holy Trinity Church will be holding its Annual General meeting in the Village Hall at 7pm.

Everyone in the village is invited to attend, as we will be discussing the things the Church has done this year (such as roof repairs) and the plans we have for the next. Since the Church enjoys your support in so many ways, at the Fete or the Pantomime, your views would be appreciated. Please join us if you can, refreshments served! 


Mothering Sunday Service will be held at Newtimber Church on 30th March at 10am

Easter Service will be held at Holy Trinity, Poynings at 10am

Bed and Breakfast

Enjoy staying in our 350 year old beamed cottage which nestles under the Devils Dyke in Poynings, and tucking into delicious English or Continental breakfasts.

2 Doubles and 1 Twin with en suite, TV, Wi-Fi, tea & coffee in room

£35 per person

South Downs Way walkers guide recommended.

Telephone 01273 857335 or 07887501468

Happy Hookers


From 8pm in The Royal Oak, Poynings.

Bring whatever you like to make along! We will not be doing lanterns in the pub as too noisy, but can organise an evening at mine to do them!

Helen xx

Newtimber Place

OPEN GARDEN (NGS) to be held at NEWTIMBER PLACE (BN6 9BU) on Sunday 13th April, 2.00pm – 5.30pm.  Afternoon tea is served with homemade cakes and scones.

Newtimber Place is a beautiful 17th Century moated house (not open). Its gardens and woods are full of bulbs and wild flowers in spring. It has stunning herbaceous borders and lawns with mature trees. It is surrounded by a moat fed by natural springs.  Well worth a visit.

Sussex Police Update

Sussex Police

Burgess Hill Neighbourhood Policing Team

NHW Weekly Update



News, Advice and Appeals


  • Sunny weather – As we all enjoy this lovely sunny weather, a timely reminder about not leaving windows open when no one is at home.  

  • Jewellery stolen in Burgess Hill Burglary – Police are investigating a burglary at a house in Burgess Hill in which valuables jewellery was stolen. More Information 
  • Three more burglars jailed as part of Operation Magpie – three more burglars have been jailed for breaking into homes in Sussex. More Information 


Crime Update

If you have seen or heard anything related to these incidents please contact  Sussex Police here, email, call 101 or contact Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.



Monday 10th to Sunday 16th March






St Andrews



Rolfe Drive –  Milk was stolen from the front doorstep of the victims house



Nye Road – a business has been broken into but nothing stolen



Nye Road – A business has been broken into and Diesel was stolen




Dale Avenue – A bike was left insecure at a property and was stolen. It is described as a black marine bear valley road bike.



Chestnut Drive – Over night two plant pots were stolen from the owners doorstep




Mill Lane – Early morning outbuildings were broken into and a Outboard motor was stolen



The Street – Between 10pm and 6.35am, A Green Lawnmower was stolen from a shed

Town Centre and Meeds



Queens Crescent – A car parked on the road had both of its number plates stolen



Park Road – A portaloo was set deliberately alight in the very early hours of the morning




Orchard Road – Wing mirror caps were stolen off a car overnight




Broad Green Avenue –  Early hours of the morning, milk was stolen off the doorstep of the house


Not sure how to find us online, want to comment on our updates or unsubscribe from this service? Email:


This message was sent by NPT Co-Ordinator Mark Hutchinson


Please do not reply to this email to report crimes or incidents…
Contact us online or call101 when it’s less urgent than 999

Another Burglary!

There has been another burglary I’m afraid, a padlocked shed was broken into early this morning in the Street and a padlocked lawnmower was taken.


Police are refusing even to come out.



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